NBC’s “Today” Show has long been the most popular morning show until last year, when its rating, for the first time, fell behind to its rival ABC’s “Good Morning America.”
美国全国广播公司的《今天》节目一直是美国最受欢迎的早间节目 。可是截至去年,它的收视率竟然第一次败给了美国国家广播公司的《早安,美国》 。
Until last year/this year直到去年/今年
NBC’s “Today” is loosing to ABC’s “Good Morning America” by about 800,000 total viewers a day. In the 25-54-year-old group, it is lowering few than 100,000 viewers. NBC and ABC are now scrutinizing the numbers; however, NBC’s host Matt Lauer has already been harshly criticized.
今天节目每天会少于早安美国近800,000观众 。在24岁到54岁之间的人数也相差近100,000人 。现在全国和国家两家广播公司正在核实数据,但是,今天节目的主持人马特劳尔已经开始遭到媒体猛烈的攻击 。
Some people say that rating is essential in the U.S. society and television industry. It increases competitiveness of shows and make sure that reporters get their jobs done.
很多人认为收视率评估对对电视业有着积极的促进作用 。它可以使得记者们更努力工作,从而提高节目的质量 。
Get the job done把工作做完
But others say that rating and business interest makes media industries unethical. Many reporters chose not to report in an unbiased way in order to earn personal benefits.
但是过分注重收视率却让媒体的道德指标有所下降 。很多记者为了利益经常会放弃公正的报道方式 。