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来源:新东方在线 编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet



1. While Sarah may have been rather quiet, she was by no means a_________, for she often spent evenings with other people and considered that time to be quite_________.

  (A) recluse . . enjoyable

  (B) conservative. . diplomatic

  (C) reformer . . irritating

  (D) barbarian . . confusing

  (E) critic . . demanding
  2. The improvements made on the new automobile are largely_________; although the exterior has been changed, the engine has remained unchanged.

  (A) mechanical (B) ornamental (C) economical (D) environmental (E) expensive
  3. One of the serious_________ of meteorology is that natural weather patterns cannot be_________ in the laboratory for investigation.

  (A) successes .. achieved

  (B) complexities .. broadened

  (C) premises .. acknowledged

  (D) weaknesses . . recreated

  (E) advantages .. analyzed

  4. It is often said that seventeenth-century literature is_________ to today's readers, especially when compared with more recent works, which introduce fewer problems of _________.

  (A) significant. . writing

  (B) impractical . . tradition

  (C) inscrutable . . comprehension

  (D) opaque . . thought

  (E) instructional. . agreement
  5. The playwright_________ realism and fantasy in her work so well that the audience is never sure whether the characters' experiences are_________ or imaginary.

  (A) intermingles . . actual

  (B) explains . . enjoyable

  (C) combines . . obvious

  (D) delineates . . questionable

  (E) exposes . . correct
  6. While his writing demonstrated the difficulties of living a_________ life within the confines of a corrupt society, Darius Holmes never despaired, and he continued to_________ his ideal of virtue.

  (A) complete .. attack

  (B) neutral.. allude to

  (C) sanguine . . consider

  (D) moral . . pursue

  (E) grandiose . . struggle with
  7. Zora Neale Hurston's talent at convincing her readers to believe in the world as she describes it in her novels is due to her ability to create extremely_________ characters.

  (A) unsavory (B) restrained (C) ambiguous (D) unilateral (E) credible
  8. Jacobs was much more than a _________ member of the group; he was chosen in light of his extraordinary analytical skills and strong staff management skills.

  (A) token (B) perceptive (C) feasible (D) paradoxical (E) vitriolic
  9. Some educators view television as an entirely_________ presence in society, virtually disregarding the idea that television has the potential to be_________.

  (A) pernicious .. understood

  (B) auxiliary .. discontinued

  (C) deleterious . . beneficial

  (D) cohesive .. informative

  (E) stabilizing .. hidden

1. The two teams reached an agreement that was_________: they promised to exchange players of comparable talent.

  (A) equitable (B) variable(C) hypocritical (D) inopportune (E) extended

  2. Their daughter's story was so entirely implausible that the parents believe it to be_________.

  (A) an explanation (B) an intimidation (C) a fabrication (D) a rationalization (E) a confirmation
  3. Professor Yang's article was unusually_________, but its brevity did not conceal the importance of her discovery.

  (A) complex (B) cerebral (C) irrelevant(D) terse (E) ambitious
  4. While industry in the late twentieth century believed itself_________ in its treatment of laborers, Cesar Chavez made a career of revealing the _________ experienced by farm workers.

  (A) generous . . injustices

  (B) just. . satisfaction

  (C) vindictive .. challenges

  (D) superior . . relationships

  (E) immutable .. consistency
  5. The judge proposed several_________ means of settling the case, but the defendant resolved to_________ the government's authority and refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the court.

  (A) unorthodox . . eliminate

  (B) comprehensive .. assuage

  (C) impartial. . demonstrate

  (D) political.. temper

  (E) amicable .. subvert
  6. Isabella's_________ style is best seen in her architecture, which combines elements of Byzantine, Greek, Roman, and Gothic periods.

  (A) reticent (B) eclectic(C) mystical (D) formulaic(E) eminent

7. Though his earlier books contained relatively subtle criticisms of the inequalities in his country, Wynn's later novels were much more_________ in their approach.

  (A) jubilant (B) veiled (C) trenchant (D) indirect (E) mundane

  8. The Black Plague was so_________ that in a few short years it had reduced the population of medieval Europe substantially.

  (A) lenient (B) susceptible (C) suppressed (D) maudlin (E) virulent

9. Her promotional tour was_________ by missteps, but the increasing appreciation for her works suggests that the effects of these blunders were_________.

  (A) strengthened . . destructive

  (B) avoided . . ancillary

  (C) surrounded . . perceptive

  (D) beleaguered . . negligible

  (E) besmirched . . unquestionable
  10.While the ambassador was not_________ about the path that his country was taking, he did not believe that its economic politics would cause a significant amount of_________.

  (A) excited . . bliss

  (B) sanguine . . distress

  (C) impartial . . neutrality

  (D) despondent. . despair

重点单词   查看全部解释    
despair [di'spɛə]


n. 绝望,失望
vi. 失望

confusing [kən'fju:ziŋ]


adj. 使人困惑的,令人费解的 动词confuse的现

amicable ['æmikəbl]


adj. 友好的,和睦的

neutrality [nju:'træliti]


n. 中立

exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

immutable [i'mju:təbl]


adj. 不可变的,不变的

corrupt [kə'rʌpt]


adj. 腐败的,堕落的
vt. 使 ...

inscrutable [in'skru:təbl]


adj. 难以了解的,不能预测的

beneficial [.beni'fiʃəl]


adj. 有益的,有利的

ambitious [æm'biʃəs]


adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的


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  • 关键字: SAT 语法 练习题




