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澳大利亚中学英语 Unit 2 My Portfolio

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Unit 2 My Portfolio
1.Listen and read.
Have you heard of something called a"portfotio"? What is it?
Why do so many students in other countries talk about their portfolios?
Read this diatogue and find out.
Li Meng:Daniel,have you got a portfolio?
Daniel:Yes,I've got several.Which course are you talking about?
Li Meng:English.But can I take a look at all your portfolios?
What do they look like?
Daniel:Let's see.They should be on the bookshelf back in our room.
Shall we go up?Why do you ask me about them?
Li Meng:Sure.You see,in our English class today,
our teacher showed us a few portfolios she collected last year
and asked us to make one of our own.
Daniel:I see.It's good for evaluating your work and your ability.
Your teacher will ask to see it in the middle of the term.
Li Meng:That's what we were told...Oh,your portfolios look great,
but which courses have you prepared them for?
Daniel:This big one is for my art class and this for history
and this portfolio is also for the English course...See?
The best assignments I've done.
Li Meny:You mean you didn't put all your assignments in?
Daniel:No.Our teacher asked us to put in four assinments we thought we did well.
Li Meng:Your folder looks so good and all the assignments are so neat.
Daniel:That;s what we're supposed to do:present the best we have.
Li Meng:Thanks for the tip.I think I'll go to a shop and choose a folder first.
What is a portfolio?
A portfolio is a set of pictures(drawings or photos)and
or some writing either bound in book form or loose in a folder.
The portfolio described here is a folder
which is used to collect students'assignments.
4.Listen,read and act.
Did you know that you need to put a"self-assessment"
in your portfolio to say how you finished an assignment;
how well you think you've done and the changes you'd like to make to improve it?
Let's see what Li Meng is doing.
Xiaohong:What are you writing there,Li Meng?
Li Meng:I'm working on my self-assessment.
Xiaohong:Self what?
Li Meng:Self-assessment.It means I'm judging how well I've done.
Remember I wrote about my soccer match once?
Xiaohong:Yeah,I remember you writing and re-writing it again and again.
Li Meng:Now,I'm writing down how I got my ideas,
how I wrote it and how I can improve it.
Xiaohong:Oh,I know.It's like being your own teacher.
Li Meng:Yeah.That's what's so nice about self-assessment:it makes you think.
7.Listen,read and answer.
Learning is like a journey
There are times in our lives when we remember.
Remembering the good things about the past is a most precious time;
these memories are always in the corner of my mind.
When I was four years old,I used to go to a kindergarten.
I had many toys and friends that made me laugh and cry.
The teachers were kind and patient.
They taught us many interesting songs and games.
We played all day long.Big wooden blocks,paper puppets,
balls and crayons were our best companions.
Although we did not know what learning was at that time,
we were learning every day.When I was seven years old,I started primary school.
I was very excited because I became a school pupil
and began to learn school subjects.
Nearly every subject caught my attention.However,my favourite subject was science.
I remembered the first day that our science teacher told
us the sun was like a big fire ball which was very,very far away.
Nobody could stay close to that"ball".
We were quite surprised and kept our mouths open.
We began to wonder at the size of the universe.
Afterwards,more ideas about weather,aeroplanes,railways,campfires,wildlife,
dexerts and even pollution came to our ears.We began to learn carefully.
When I was about ten years old,I knew quite a lot o fthings.
I began to read newspapewrs,keep a diary,
visit museums and most of all,make many friends.
Every day was something new.Every day was interesting and exciting.
Now I am in the middle school.Each day is new to me.
Happily I am still learning which is like a journey to me.
I have finished the first part,and there is still a long way for me to go.
Hopefully I will become a learned person someday.
10.Listen,read and act.
Mrs,Davis is preparing dinner in the kitchen
when Li Meng and Xiaohong come back home.
Mrs.Davis:Hello,kids.You're back early today.
Li Meng:Yeah.I want to relax a bit.
Mrs.Davis:I noticed you'd been busy these past few days.
Why are you relaxing now?
Xiaohong:He got a good grade for the portfolio
he put together for his English class
and he thinks relaxing one afternoon is the best way to reward himself.
Mrs.Davis:Good for you,Li Meng.What's your portfolio like?
Have you got it with you?
Li Meng:Yeah.Here you are.
I chose a green folder and put my best writing assignments in order.
Mrs.Davis:Isn't this beautiful!I'm really proud of you.
Xiaohong:I think I'll get a few folders and get my things organized too.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
organized ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

assignment [ə'sainmənt]


n. 分配,功课,任务,被指定的(课外)作业;(分派的)

portfolio [pɔ:t'fəuljəu]


n. 文件夹,作品集,证券投资组合

collect [kə'lekt]


v. 收集,聚集
v. 推论

pollution [pə'lu:ʃən]


n. 污染,污染物

diary ['daiəri]


n. 日记,日记簿

universe ['ju:nivə:s]


n. 宇宙,万物,世界

primary ['praiməri]


adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的

precious ['preʃəs]


adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的





