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小学综合英语 3A Unit 11 How Do You Go To Work?

来源:听力教室 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Unit 11
She goes to work by bus.Tony is writing a letter to his pen-friend.
He is answering his pen-friend's questions.
2 Octber 1995 Dear David,
Thank you for you letter.Here are the answers to your questions.
I live in Mongkok.My school is in Mongkok,too.
I walk to school every day.My father is a clerk.
He works in Central.He goes to word by MTRMy monther is a nurse.
She works in a big hospital in Kowloon.She goes to work by bus.
My grandfather and grandmother live with us.He is a hawker.
She is a housewife.We do not have much money,but we are a happy family.
Please write to me soon.Tell me about you family. Love, Tony.
Gogo structure I live in Mongkok. I go to work by MTR.
Match and read.
by bus by MTR
by train by LRT
by mini-bus
on foot
Look at the above pictures.
Say and write.How does he go to school?
1.Tony goes to school on foot.How do they go to work?
5.Miss Ng and Mrs Chan go to work ___ .
Revise and write.
postman policeman
doctor fireman
1.John's father is a ___ .
Complete the letter for Tony.
live Love
housewife Dear
hawker nurse
write letter
happy clerk
___ David,Answer these questions.
1.Where do you live?
2.Where is your school?
3.How do you go to school?

关键字: 英语 综合 小学 3A




