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小学综合英语 3A Unit 10 A Story

来源:听力教室 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Unit 10
Kitty Every Monday,Tony writes a short story.
Here is a story about his cat,Kitty.Picture 1.
I have a pet.She is a black and white cat.
Her name is Kitty.Picture 2.
She has a long tail and small ears.Her tail is black,but her ears are white.
Her nose is white,too.Picture 3.
She has a basket.
She sleeps in her basket all day.She gets up in the evening.Picture 4.
She goes out at night.She catches mice at night.Picture 5.
Kitty likes fish and milk.She eats fish every day.
She drinks milk every day.Picture 6.
Kitty does not like dogs and they do not like her.Picture 7.
Kitty likes me and I like her.
I hold her in my arms and she says,'Purr... purr...purr'.
Gogo structure Kitty eats fish every day.Kitty does not catch mice.
Fill in the blanks.
The words in the brackets are hints to you.Tony ___ (have)a pet.
Answer these questions about Kitty.
1.What does Kitty do all day?
Look at the pictures and write.
clean eat catch
1.Kitty____ a ___every day.She__not__chocolates.

关键字: 英语 综合 小学 3A




