1.The reason the film’s stream-of-consciousness imagery is so successful is because of its capture of the sensorial experience of childhood.(A) because of its capture of
(B) capturing of
(C) because of capturing
(D) that it captures
(E) for its capturing
2.All of the ingredients for Pablo’s secret chocolate chip cookie recipe, which included the special dark chocolate, was available in his mother’s pantry.
Answer Choices
(A) which included the special dark chocolate, was
(B) which included the special dark chocolate, they were
(C) including the special dark chocolate that was
(D) including the special dark chocolate, being
(E) including the special dark chocolate, were
3.Being that she has a gift for comic timing, Esmeralda is a natural when it comes to storytelling.
(A) Being that she has a gift for comic timing
(B) In having a gift for comic timing
(C) With her gift for comic timing
(D) Although she has a gift for comic timing
(E) Comically timed
4.The finest quality raw silk comes from the commonly domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, it feeds on the leaves of the mulberry tree.
Answer Choices
(A) it feeds
(B) feeding
(C) they feed
(D) which feeds
(E) having fed
5.Although hailed as one of the greatest choreographers of his time, Merce Cunningham's company, founded in 1953, consistently gave performances that caused some members of the audience to walk out.
(A) Although hailed as one of the greatest choreographers of his time, Merce Cunningham's company, founded in 1953,
(B) Although Merce Cunningham was hailed as one of the greatest choreographers of his time, his company, founded in 1953,
(C) Founded in 1953, Merce Cunningham's company had one of the greatest choreographers of his time, himself, and
(D) Although hailed as one of the greatest choreographers of his time, Merce Cunningham founded his company in 1953, which
(E) Merce Cunningham's company, founded in 1953, was hailed as one of the greatest choreographers of his time, but
6.The wide variety of spices and condiments used in sausage making including salt and, it depends on the ethnic or regional origin of the recipe, coriander, nutmeg, cloves, garlic, vinegar, mace, pepper, chili peppers, or pistachio nuts.
Answer Choices
(A) including salt and, it depends
(B) include salt, depending
(C) includes salt, and it depends
(D) includes salt and, depending
(E) including salt and, depending