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名校励志英语演讲 第132期:珍惜现在 把握将来(8)

编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • But as a parent let me tell you something about parents.
  • 但作为家长,让我告诉你们关于父母的一些事情。
  • Despite all rational impulses, despite all evidence to the contrary,
  • 尽管父母会有一些合理的冲动行为,尽管所有的证据都证明父母的有些行为是不对的,
  • despite what we think you do to us and what you think we do to you—and yes,
  • 尽管我们都认为对方的所作所为令自己不满意——
  • it is often hell on both sides—the plain, unvarnished truth is we love you. Simply, profoundly, utterly.
  • 而且有时候双方都觉得很伤心——但有一点是简单而朴实的,那就是我们爱你。这种爱朴实无华却又深刻而彻底。
  • I remember, back in the mists of time, yes, the parents, you see.Yeah. And love them too, Daniel.
  • 回顾过去,我记得,是的,你知道的,我的父母,你也爱他们,丹尼尔。
  • I remember, back in the mists of time, my Dad greeting me off the train at Durham railway station.
  • 回顾过去,我记得又一次我父亲到达拉姆火车站接我。那时,我在牛津大学上学。
  • I was a student at Oxford. Oxford and Cambridge are for Britain kind of like Yale and Harvard, only more so.
  • 牛津大学和剑桥大学对英国人就像耶鲁大学和哈佛大学对美国人一样重要,甚至更胜一筹。
  • It was a big deal. I had been away for my first year and was coming home.
  • 所以在牛津上学对我来说很重要。上完了第一个学年,我就要回家了。
  • I stepped off the train. My hair was roughly the length of Rumpelstiltskin's and unwashed.I had no shoes and no shirt.
  • 下了火车,我披着脏兮兮的几乎和侏儒怪一样长的头发,光着脚丫子,而且还没有穿衬衫,
  • My jeans were torn—and this was in the days before this became a fashion item. Worst of all, we had just moved house.
  • 牛仔裤也破烂不堪——这些在当时还没有成为一种时尚。更糟的是,我们刚换了房子,
  • Mum had thrown out the sitting room drapes. I had retrieved them and made a sleeveless long coat with them.
  • 母亲把客厅的窗帘扔掉了,我把它捡回来做了一件无袖的大衣。


But as a parent let me tell you something about parents. Despite all rational impulses, despite all evidence to the contrary, despite what we think you do to us and what you think we do to you—and yes, it is often hell on both sides—the plain, unvarnished truth is we love you. Simply, profoundly, utterly.

I remember, back in the mists of time, yes, the parents, you see.Yeah. And love them too, Daniel.I remember, back in the mists of time, my Dad greeting me off the train at Durham railway station. I was a student at Oxford. Oxford and Cambridge are for Britain kind of like Yale and Harvard, only more so. It was a big deal. I had been away for my first year and was coming home.
I stepped off the train. My hair was roughly the length of Rumpelstiltskin's and unwashed. I had no shoes and no shirt. My jeans were torn—and this was in the days before this became a fashion item. Worst of all, we had just moved house. Mum had thrown out the sitting room drapes. I had retrieved them and made a sleeveless long coat with them.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

contrary ['kɔntrəri]


adj. 相反的,截然不同的
adv. 相反(

plain [plein]


n. 平原,草原
adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简

rational ['ræʃənəl]


adj. 合理的,理性的,能推理的
n. 有理





