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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"Do what you're told this minute, sir," said Uncle Andrew. "You're an extremely disobedient, ill-behaved little boy."“立刻照我说的做,老兄,“安德鲁舅舅说,”你这孩子太调皮捣蛋,表现很不好。”
"No fear," said Digory. "We want to stay and see what happens. I thought you wanted to know about other worlds. Don't you like it now you're here?"“不走,”迪格雷说,“我们要呆在这儿看会发生什么事。我原来以为你想了解别的世界。现在到了这儿,你不喜欢这地方吗?”
"Like it!" exclaimed Uncle Andrew. "Just look at the state I'm in. And it was my best coat and waistcoat, too." He certainly was a dreadful sight by now: for of course, the more dressed up you were to begin with, the worse you look after you've crawled out of a smashed hansoncab and fallen into a muddy brook. "I'm not saying," he added, "that this is not a most interesting place. If I were a younger man, now - perhaps I could get some lively young fellow to come here first. One of those big-game hunters. Something might be made of this country. The climate is delightful. I never felt such air. I believe it would have done me good if - if circumstances had been more favourable. If only we'd had a gun."“喜欢”,安德鲁舅舅大叫,“看看我落到了什么地步!这还是我最好的外套和背心呢。”他现在看上去的确很狼狈。当然,你开始时打扮得越漂亮,从撞烂的马车下钻出来再掉进一条泥泞的小溪,模样就越惨不忍睹。“我不是说,”他接着说道,“这个地方没有意思。如果我年轻一些,现在……我或许可以先去找一个精力充沛的青年到这儿来。找一个专猎大动物的猎手。这个地方有些好处可以利用。这儿天气宜人。我过去从来没有感受过这样的空气。我相信,这对我是有好处的,如果…… 如果条件比较有利。要是我们有枝枪就好了。”
"Guns be blowed," said the Cabby. "I think I'll go and see if I can give Strawberry a rub down. That horse 'as more sense than some 'umans as I could mention." He walked back to Strawberry and began making the hissing noises that grooms make.“枪也没用,”马车夫说,“我想我要去看看是不是该给‘草莓’梳理一下了。那匹马比有些人还有灵性。”他走到‘草莓’身边,嘴里发出马车夫特有的那种嘘嘘声。
"Do you still think that Lion could be killed by a gun?" asked Digory. "He didn't mind the iron bar much."“你还认为那头狮子能被枪打死吗,”迪格雷说,“它对那根铁棒不怎么在乎。”
"With all her faults," said Uncle Andrew, "that's a plucky gel, my boy. It was a spirited thing to do." He rubbed his hands and cracked his knuckles, as if he were once more forgetting how the Witch frightened him whenever she was really there.“这全是她的错,”安德鲁舅舅说,“那胆大包天的姑娘,我的孩子。她太粗暴了。”他的指关节捏得噼啪作晌,似乎又忘了只要女巫在场自己是如何害怕的。
"It was a wicked thing to do," said Polly. "What harm had he done her?"“这么做实在太坏了,”波莉说,“狮子哪一点伤害她了?”
"Hullo! What's that?" said Digory. He had darted forward to examine something only a few yards away. "I say, Polly," he called back. "Do come and look."“悔!那是什么?”迪格雷说完往前走,去查看几步外的一样东西。“我说,波莉,”他向后喊道,“过来看看。”
Uncle Andrew came with her; not because he wanted to see but because he wanted to keep close to the children there might be a chance of stealing their rings. But when he saw what Digory was looking at, even he began to take an interest. It was a perfect little model of a lamp-post, about three feet high but lengthening, and thickening in proportion, as they watched it; in fact growing just as the trees had grown.安德鲁舅舅也跟着过来了,他不是好奇,而是想紧跟孩了们一这样就有可能偷到戒指。但是,当他看见迪格雷正在看的东西时,也开始感兴趣了。那是一个小巧而完美的灯柱模型.在他们看的时候,它正在按比例变高变宽。实际上,它像树木一样存生长。
"It's alive too - I mean, it's lit," said Digory. And so it was; though of course, the brightness of the sun made the little flame in the lantern hard to see unless your shadow fell on it.“它是活的…… 我是说,它亮着。”迪格雷说。不过,当然哆,在阳光下,除非你遮住它,灯上徽弱的光线几乎是看不见的。
"Remarkable, most remarkable," muttered Uncle Andrew. "Even I never dreamt of Magic like this. We're in a world where everything, even a lamp-post, comes to life and grows. Now I wonder what sort of seed a lamppost grows from?" “了不起,太了不起了,”安德鲁舅舅喃喃地说,“我连做梦也不会想会有这样的魔法。这个世界,所有的东西甚至一个灯杜,都是有生命的,可以生长。我觉得奇怪的是,什么种子可以长成一个灯柱?”

"Do what you're told this minute, sir," said Uncle Andrew. "You're an extremely disobedient, ill-behaved little boy."

"No fear," said Digory. "We want to stay and see what happens. I thought you wanted to know about other worlds. Don't you like it now you're here?"

"Like it!" exclaimed Uncle Andrew. "Just look at the state I'm in. And it was my best coat and waistcoat, too." He certainly was a dreadful sight by now: for of course, the more dressed up you were to begin with, the worse you look after you've crawled out of a smashed hansoncab and fallen into a muddy brook. "I'm not saying," he added, "that this is not a most interesting place. If I were a younger man, now - perhaps I could get some lively young fellow to come here first. One of those big-game hunters. Something might be made of this country. The climate is delightful. I never felt such air. I believe it would have done me good if - if circumstances had been more favourable. If only we'd had a gun."

"Guns be blowed," said the Cabby. "I think I'll go and see if I can give Strawberry a rub down. That horse 'as more sense than some 'umans as I could mention." He walked back to Strawberry and began making the hissing noises that grooms make.

"Do you still think that Lion could be killed by a gun?" asked Digory. "He didn't mind the iron bar much."

"With all her faults," said Uncle Andrew, "that's a plucky gel, my boy. It was a spirited thing to do." He rubbed his hands and cracked his knuckles, as if he were once more forgetting how the Witch frightened him whenever she was really there.

"It was a wicked thing to do," said Polly. "What harm had he done her?"

"Hullo! What's that?" said Digory. He had darted forward to examine something only a few yards away. "I say, Polly," he called back. "Do come and look."

Uncle Andrew came with her; not because he wanted to see but because he wanted to keep close to the children there might be a chance of stealing their rings. But when he saw what Digory was looking at, even he began to take an interest. It was a perfect little model of a lamp-post, about three feet high but lengthening, and thickening in proportion, as they watched it; in fact growing just as the trees had grown.

"It's alive too - I mean, it's lit," said Digory. And so it was; though of course, the brightness of the sun made the little flame in the lantern hard to see unless your shadow fell on it.

"Remarkable, most remarkable," muttered Uncle Andrew. "Even I never dreamt of Magic like this. We're in a world where everything, even a lamp-post, comes to life and grows. Now I wonder what sort of seed a lamppost grows from?"



“喜欢”,安德鲁舅舅大叫,“看看我落到了什么地步!这还是我最好的外套和背心呢。”他现在看上去的确很狼狈。当然,你开始时打扮得越漂亮,从撞烂的马车下钻出来再掉进一条泥泞的小溪,模样就越惨不忍睹。“我不是说,”他接着说道,“这个地方没有意思。如果我年轻一些,现在……我或许可以先去找一个精力充沛的青年到这儿来。找一个专猎大动物的猎手。这个地方有些好处可以利用。这儿天气宜人。我过去从来没有感受过这样的空气。我相信,这对我是有好处的,如果…… 如果条件比较有利。要是我们有枝枪就好了。”







“它是活的…… 我是说,它亮着。”迪格雷说。不过,当然哆,在阳光下,除非你遮住它,灯上徽弱的光线几乎是看不见的。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
proportion [prə'pɔ:ʃən]


n. 比例,均衡,部份,(复)体积,规模

lively ['laivli]



remarkable [ri'mɑ:kəbl]


adj. 显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

brook [bruk]


n. 小河,溪
vt. (常用于否定句或疑问句

flame [fleim]


n. 火焰,热情
v. 燃烧,面红,爆发

shadow ['ʃædəu]


n. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处
vt. 投阴

wicked ['wikid]


adj. 坏的,邪恶的,缺德的
adv. 极端

plucky ['plʌki]


adj. 有勇气的,大胆的

disobedient [,disə'bi:djənt]


adj. 不服从的;违背的;不孝的





