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小故事背诵达人 第103期:Thief

编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 6 Thief
  • 第6单元 贼
  • Cumin, turmeric, coriander.These were the things that came to mind when Rae thought of India.
  • 瑞伊一想到印度,脑海里就会浮现小茴香、姜黄、胡荽这些东西,
  • Of course, she thought of yoga too. Rae landed in Bombay early on a Wednesday morning.
  • 当然,她也会想到瑜珈。瑞伊是星期三一早抵达孟买的,
  • She got her luggage and made her way to the hotel.
  • 她拿到行李后便往旅馆方向前进。
  • Rae had been planning her trip for months.
  • 瑞伊这趟旅行已经计划几个月了,
  • She was going to study yoga with one of the world's best yoga gurus.
  • 她要来这里跟一位全世界最优秀的瑜珈大师学习瑜珈,
  • Her first meeting was scheduled for early the next morning.
  • 预定明天一早第一次去拜见老师。
  • On the way to the hotel, Rae was mesmerized by the wonderful colors and smells.
  • 前往旅馆时,瑞伊被一路上大自然的美丽色彩和香味给迷住了,
  • She was so caught up in the sights and sounds, she barely had time to scream, "Thief" as a man grabbed her purse and ran away.
  • 眼前的景象与声音让她沉迷不已。这时突然有个人抓起她的手提包拔腿就跑,她几乎没有时间喊捉贼,
  • Rae took off after the man.
  • 就立刻在后面追着贼跑。
  • She chased him down small allies and over a bridge.
  • 她不停地追着,追过一座桥,
  • She chased him through a market where women were selling beautiful scarves.
  • 又经过一个许多妇女在贩卖围巾的市场。
  • The man was fast, but Rae was faster. She caught up to the man and tackled him to the ground.
  • 那个贼虽然跑得很快,但瑞伊跑得更快,最后总算抓到那个贼并把他扭倒在地。
  • She grabbed her purse and kicked him in the stomach.
  • 她抢回她的手提包,又在贼肚子上踢了一脚,
  • She marched off with her bag and hailed a taxi to her hotel.
  • 然后带着手提包离开,招了一辆计程车直接坐到旅馆。


Unit 6 Thief

第6单元 贼

Cumin, turmeric, coriander. These were the things that came to mind when Rae thought of India. Of course, she thought of yoga too. Rae landed in Bombay early on a Wednesday morning. She got her luggage and made her way to the hotel.


Rae had been planning her trip for months. She was going to study yoga with one of the world's best yoga gurus. Her first meeting was scheduled for early the next morning.


On the way to the hotel, Rae was mesmerized by the wonderful colors and smells. She was so caught up in the sights and sounds, she barely had time to scream, “Thiefas a man grabbed her purse and ran away. Rae took off after the man.


She chased him down small allies and over a bridge. She chased him through a market where women were selling beautiful scarves. The man was fast, but Rae was faster. She caught up to the man and tackled him to the ground.


She grabbed her purse and kicked him in the stomach. She marched off with her bag and hailed a taxi to her hotel.


【美】 Tara McAteer 著 黄惟郁 译


重点单词   查看全部解释    
scream [skri:m]


n. 尖叫声
v. 尖叫,大笑

luggage ['lʌgidʒ]


n. 行李





