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编辑:lily   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unfortunately, the teachers seemed to be thinking along the same lines as Hermione.
  • 不幸的是,老师们的想法似乎和赫敏是一样的
  • They piled so much homework on them that the Easter holidays weren't nearly as much fun as the Christmas ones.
  • 他们布置了一大堆家庭作业,复活节假期远不如圣诞节的时候那样充满乐趣。
  • It was hard to relax with Hermione next to you reciting the twelve uses of dragon's blood or practicing wand movements.
  • 有赫敏在旁边背诵龙血的十二种用途,或者练习魔杖的动作,你就很难轻轻松松地休息。
  • Moaning and yawning, Harry and Ron spent most of their free time in the library with her, trying to get through all their extra work.
  • 哈利和罗恩只好用大部分空余时间陪她一起待在图书馆里,唉声叹气,哈欠连天,拼命完成繁重的功课。
  • I'll never remember this, Ron burst out one afternoon, throwing down his quill and looking longingly out of the library window.
  • “我永远也记不住这个。”一天下午,罗恩终于无法忍受了,他把羽毛笔一扔,眼巴巴地看着图书馆的窗外。
  • It was the first really fine day they'd had in months.
  • 几个月来,他们第一次碰到这样的好天气。
  • The sky was a clear, forget-me-not blue, and there was a feeling in the air of summer coming.
  • 天空清澈明净,蓝得像勿忘我花的颜色,空气里有一种夏天即将来临的气息。
  • Harry, who was looking up "Dittany" in One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi,
  • 哈利只顾埋头在《千种神奇药草和蕈类》里查找“白鲜”,
  • didn't look up until he heard Ron say, "Hagrid! What are you doing in the library?"
  • 突然他听见罗恩说:“海格!你到图书馆来做什么?”
  • Hagrid shuffled into view, hiding something behind his back. He looked very out of place in his moleskin overcoat.
  • 海格踢踢踏踏地走了过来,把什么东西藏在了身后。他穿着鼹鼠皮大衣,显得很不合时宜。
  • Jus' lookin', he said, in a shifty voice that got their interest at once.
  • “随便看看,”海格说,声音躲躲闪闪,一下子就引起了他们的兴趣。
  • An' what're you lot up ter? He looked suddenly suspicious. Yer not still lookin' fer Nicolas Flamel, are yeh?
  • “你们在这里干吗?”他突然显得疑心起来。“还在查找尼可勒梅,是吗?”
  • Oh, we found out who he is ages ago, said Ron impressively. And we know what that dog's guarding, it's a Sorcerer's St —
  • “哦,我们几百年前就弄清他是何许人了,”罗恩得意洋洋地说,“我们还知道那条狗在看守什么,是魔法石……”
  • Shhhh! Hagrid looked around quickly to see if anyone was listening. Don' go shoutin' about it, what's the matter with yeh?
  • “嘘——!”海格飞快地四下张望,看有没有人听见,“不要大声嚷嚷,你们到底想干什么?”

Unfortunately, the teachers seemed to be thinking along the same lines as Hermione.
They piled so much homework on them that the Easter holidays weren't nearly as much fun as the Christmas ones.
It was hard to relax with Hermione next to you reciting the twelve uses of dragon's blood or practicing wand movements.
Moaning and yawning, Harry and Ron spent most of their free time in the library with her, trying to get through all their extra work.
I'll never remember this, Ron burst out one afternoon, throwing down his quill and looking longingly out of the library window.
It was the first really fine day they'd had in months.
The sky was a clear, forget-me-not blue, and there was a feeling in the air of summer coming.
Harry, who was looking up "Dittany" in One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi,
didn't look up until he heard Ron say, "Hagrid! What are you doing in the library?"
Hagrid shuffled into view, hiding something behind his back. He looked very out of place in his moleskin overcoat.
Jus' lookin', he said, in a shifty voice that got their interest at once.
An' what're you lot up ter? He looked suddenly suspicious. Yer not still lookin' fer Nicolas Flamel, are yeh?
Oh, we found out who he is ages ago, said Ron impressively. And we know what that dog's guarding, it's a Sorcerer's St
Shhhh! Hagrid looked around quickly to see if anyone was listening. Don' go shoutin' about it, what's the matter with yeh?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
suspicious [səs'piʃəs]


adj. 可疑的,多疑的

quill [kwil]


n. 羽茎,大翎毛,鹅毛笔,(豪猪等动物的)刺 ,纬管

burst [bə:st]


n. 破裂,阵,爆发
v. 爆裂,迸发

magical ['mædʒikəl]


adj. 魔术的,有魔力的,神奇的

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

peaceful ['pi:sfəl]


adj. 安宁的,和平的


  • 赏析(205) 2012-10-12
  • 赏析(206) 2012-10-15
  • 赏析(208) 2012-10-17
  • 赏析(209) 2012-10-18
  • 赏析(210) 2012-10-19
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