As the helicopter hovered in mid air, Shannon strapped on her parachute. Her crew was sent to put out a fire that had spread over 200 miles. There were no roads to reach the fire, so the firefighters were arriving by helicopter. She waited for her turn and then jumped.
Because this was Shannon's eighth year and she had experience jumping out of helicopters, she was not particularly nervous. But when her chord jammed and her chute didn't open, Shannon panicked. To make matters worse, she was heading straight for the heart of the fire.
She was falling fast, if she did not get her chute open soon she was going to die. Just then, below her, she saw the man who had jumped out of the helicopter before her.
She knew if she wanted to live she was going to have to grab onto him and she could float down with him.
She was quickly getting closer and closer. She positioned herself and she grabbed onto his leg. The man was shocked, but pulled Shannon up and together they landed safely on the ground.