Natasha's parents had met in the circus. Her mother was an aerialist and her father was a clown. So, when Natasha was born into the National Russian Circus it was determined right away that she would also become a circus performer.
But clowning around was not Natasha's calling, and she was afraid of heights. Natasha loved the tigers. From a young age, she developed a special relationship with one cub in particular called Sasha. Natasha's mother convinced the ringleader to let Natasha train to be a tiger trainer.
By 18, at only 5 feet tall, Natasha was working with four full-grown, ferocious tigers. Although Natasha was familiar with her tigers, they were still animals wild, dangerous and unpredictable.
Every night was an adventure for Natasha. She loved the roar of the crowd. She loved the wild, untamed look in the tiger's eyes when they walked toward her. Her act was terrifying and exhilarating!