Today in History: Wednesday, August 22, 2012
On Aug. 22, 2005 The last Jewish settlers left the Gaza Strip, ending decades of Israel's turbulent occupation.
2005年,最后的犹太移民离开了加沙地带,结束了以色列数十年的动乱统治 。
1485 England's King Richard III was killed in the Battle of Bosworth Field, ending the War of the Roses.
1485年,英格兰国王理查三世在博士沃斯原野地区战斗中被杀,结束了玫瑰战争 。
1846 The United States annexed New Mexico.
1846年,美国吞并了新墨西哥 。
1893 Author, poet, critic and wit Dorothy Parker was born in West Bend, N.J.
1893年,才华横溢的作家、诗人、批评家Dorothy Parker在新泽西西本德出生 。
1902 President Theodore Roosevelt became the first U.S. chief executive to ride in an automobile, in Hartford, Conn.
1902年,在康涅狄格州哈特福德市,总统西奥多·罗斯福成为第一位驾驶一辆汽车的美国首席执行官 。
1904 Chinese communist leader Deng Xiaoping was born in Sichuan province.
1904年,中国共产党领导人邓小平在四川出生 。
1920 Science fiction writer Ray Bradbury was born in Waukegan, Ill.
1920年,科幻作家雷布莱伯利在伊里诺斯州沃基根出生 。
1956 President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Vice President Richard M. Nixon were nominated for second terms by the Republican National Convention in San Francisco.
1956年,在旧金山共和党全国代表大会总统艾森豪威尔和副总统理查德·尼克松被提名连任 。
1996, President Bill Clinton signed welfare legislation ending guaranteed cash payments to the poor and demanding work from recipients.
1996年,比尔·克林顿总统签署了福利法案,结束了向穷人担保的现金支付以及受方费事的工作流程 。
1972 President Richard Nixon was nominated for a second term of office by the Republican National Convention in Miami Beach.
1972年,理查德·尼克松总统在迈阿密海滩共和党全国代表大会上被提名连任 。
1986 Kerr-McGee Corp. agreed to pay the estate of Karen Silkwood $1.38 million, settling a 10-year-old nuclear contamination lawsuit.
1986年,科尔-麦吉公司同意向Karen Silkwood地产支付138万美元,解决了一起10年之久的核污染诉讼 。
1992 On the second day of the Ruby Ridge siege in Idaho, an FBI sharpshooter killed Vicki Weaver, the wife of white separatist Randy Weaver.
1992年,爱达荷州Ruby Ridge遭围困的第二天,一名联邦调查局的神枪手将白人分裂主义者Randy Weaver的妻子枪杀 。
2003 Alabama's chief justice, Roy Moore, was suspended for his refusal to obey a federal court order to remove his Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of his courthouse.
2003年,阿拉巴马州首席大法官罗伊·摩尔因拒绝服从联邦从法院圆形大厅移开十戒碑的法令而被暂时免职 。