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背诵为王第四册 Unit24 年龄与就业

编辑:Amosway   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 24 On Employment for the Younger and the Older.
  • 24 论年龄与就业之关系。
  • A study of the results of this survey suggests that older workers are likely to make better employees than younger ones.
  • 对此项调查结论的研究表明,年龄大的雇员相比年轻的,更可能成为优秀的员工。
  • This conclusion is based partly on a comparison of the views of these two groups of workers on factors contributing to career success.
  • 此结论部分来自于对年老和年轻这两组员工在促成事业成功的因素上的观点的比较。
  • Honesty is more highly rated by older workers than by their younger counterparts, suggesting that older workers are likely to be more trustworthy.
  • 诚实在年老员工那里得到的评价高于年轻者,这表明年老的员工可能更值得信任。
  • They are also more cautious in their approach to work, unlike younger workers, who are prone to take risks which can have disastrous consequences.
  • 他们对待工作的方法更谨慎,而不像年轻的员工倾向冒险,而可能会带来灾难性的后果。
  • In addition, the high value older workers place on being sociable points to their greater readiness to work for good relationships with other members of the workforce.
  • 此外,年老员工给予合群很高评价,表明他们更乐意和其他员工发展良好关系。
  • There is no denying that a good working atmosphere is vital for the smooth operation of an organization.
  • 不可否认,好的工作氛围对一个组织的和谐运转至关重要。
  • This emphasis on sociability is also reflected in the importance older workers attach to having contacts.
  • 这种对社交的强调同样反映在年老员工认为保持互相联系很重要上。
  • Both establishing and maintaining useful contacts are necessary in the modern business world.
  • 在当今商界,建立和保持有益的联系是很有必要的。
  • Secondly, in terms of priorities in choosing a job, older workers show themselves to be more stable and committed than their younger counterparts.
  • 其次,在选择工作时优先考虑的事项方面,年龄大的员工比年轻员工显示出了更强的稳定性和忠诚度。
  • Not only are they less concerned about money, they are also much more realistic in their job expectations
  • 他们不仅对钱关注较少,而且对工作的期待要现实得多,
  • and consequently less likely to be frustrated on account of lack of excitement or challenge in their everyday work.
  • 因此不容易因日常工作缺乏活力和挑战而灰心丧气。
  • All this, together with their interest in long-term security, means that older workers are more committed to the job they hold
  • 所有这些,加上他们对长期稳定的工作感兴趣,意味着年龄大的员工更效忠于自己已有的工作,
  • and less likely to move from one job to another in search of new stimulation.
  • 而不大可能为了追求新的刺激而跳槽。
  • It is this commitment that older workers have to their job that perhaps argues most strongly in their favor as being better employees.
  • 或许正是年龄大的员工对自己工作的这种忠诚,在证明他们是更好的雇员方面最有说服力。


Lesson24 On Employment for the Younger and the Older

A study of the results of this survey suggests that older workers are likely to make better employees than younger ones.
This conclusion is based partly on a comparison of the views of these two groups of workers on factors contributing to career success. Honesty is more highly rated by older workers than by their younger counterparts, suggesting that older workers are likely to be more trustworthy. They are also more cautious in their approach to work, unlike younger workers, who are prone to take risks which can have disastrous consequences. In addition, the high value older workers place on being sociable points to their greater readiness to work for good relationships with other members of the workforce.
There is no denying that a good working atmosphere is vital for the smooth operation of an organization. This emphasis on sociability is also reflected in the importance older workers attach to having contacts. Both establishing and maintaining useful contacts are necessary in the modern business world.
Secondly, in terms of priorities in choosing a job, older workers show themselves to be more stable and committed than their younger counterparts. Not only are they less concerned about money, they are also much more realistic in their job expectations and consequently less likely to be frustrated on account of lack of excitement or challenge in their everyday work. All this, together with their interest in long-term security, means that older workers are more committed to the job they hold and less likely to move from one job to another in search of new stimulation. It is this commitment that older workers have to their job that perhaps argues most strongly in their favor as being better employees.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

emphasis ['emfəsis]


n. 强调,重点

addition [ə'diʃən]


n. 增加,附加物,加法

survey [sə:'vei]


v. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视

honesty ['ɔnisti]


n. 诚实,正直

disastrous [di'zɑ:strəs]


adj. 灾难性的

trustworthy ['trʌst.wə:ði]


adj. 可信赖的

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

challenge ['tʃælindʒ]


n. 挑战
v. 向 ... 挑战

comparison [kəm'pærisn]


n. 比较





