Lesson23 Night School
Each weekday evening, a reverse rush hour takes place in Manhattan's Greenwich Village. While the average New Yorker is trudging home from their job, a few thousand others are piling into the three modern buildings that house the New School for Social Research. The 54-year-old institution is a full-fledged university, but most of its students are not concerned with accumulation credits or earning degrees. Nor are they apple-cheeked youngsters: a typical New School student is the wage-earning adult who has signed up for a course in anything from sociology to computer programming to creative knitting in an effort to broaden his intellectual or occupational horizons. "I don't want my mind to fall asleep while I have to work," says a young banker who has signed up for a course in psychology.
The New School today remains the only degree-granting university in the nation devoted primarily to the education of adults. As such, it may well be riding the pedagogical wave of the future. Recently, the Educational Testing Service reported that nearly 80 million adult Americans want or need continuing education, but that less than half of them are getting it.
Reflecting this thirst for learning, enrolment at the New School has doubled in the past decade, and of the 13,000 students taking one or more of its 8,875 courses this semester, more than 80 per cent attend evening classes.