A: 大家好! 我是杨琳, 欢迎来到这期的美语训练班!
B: 大家好,我是Kat! 今天的节目中,我们要去看看如何求职写简历,聊聊三振出局 ,要去参加一次销售人员的头脑风暴,还要告诉大家怎么用美语说“美容觉”。
A: 不错嘛,Kat! 中文有进步哦!
B: 嘿嘿,谢谢!其实我发现学语言,最好的就是多听多练,比如学英语吧,就该多听听我们的美语训练班……
A: 呀,节目一开始你就做上广告了?
B: Woops! 你怎么不配合我呀!Alright, time for the real class! Let's go to our first episode─learn a word!
Learn A Word catch-22
今天我们要学的词是catch-22. Catch is spelled c-a-t-c-h. Catch-22 就是"catch"这个词后面加上阿拉伯数字22,意思是无法解决的难题,左右为难的局面。刚毕业的大学生不好找工作,The college graduates find themselves in a typical catch-22 situation where employers won't hire them because they lack experience, but without that first job they can't get experience. 大学毕业生面临的就是这种无法摆脱的困境: 雇主都不愿意雇缺乏工作经验的新人,可是找不到第一份工作,经验就无从谈起。在城市发展中,常会出现这样的现象: Retailers are hesitant to invest in areas where there aren't sufficient consumers, but many people also don't want to move to areas where retailers are not easily accessible. That's the catch-22 of urban development. 零售商不愿意去消费者少的地方投资,大家又不愿意搬到买东西不方便的地方去。这就是城市发展的一个两难困境。好的,今天我们学习的词是catch-22, catch-22, catch-22.
A: 我真有同感!Fresh college graduates often face a common catch-22. 公司都要有经验的人,可是没有第一份工作,经验又从哪里来呢?
B: That's why a lot of people get part time jobs while attending college- working part-time helps pay for tuition and you can get some real world experience.
A: 嗯,大学出去打工确实不错!我当时上大学光学习了,没出去好好积攒经验,所以找工作的时候, I got stuck in the same catch-22 situation! This episode hits close to home!
B: But it turned out fine in the end! 你看,你现在不是有幸和著名节目主持人──我── 一起主持节目吗?
A: 呃。好吧,著名节目主持人。不过大家可能还不知道我刚才说的"close to home"是什么意思,今天的words and idioms, 我们就来学学这个短语的用法!