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小故事背诵达人第24篇:A Ticket Home

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  • Unit 2 A Ticket Home
  • 第2单元 返乡的机票
  • Greg walked into the office with his head hung low.
  • 葛瑞格垂头丧气地走进办公室,
  • His fellow co-workers saw his glum face and asked what was wrong.
  • 同事看到他闷闷不乐的,便问他发生了什么事。
  • He informed them that he was unable to get the money he needed to fly home and see his family.
  • 他告诉大伙他没钱买机票回家看他的家人。
  • He had been working overseas for years.
  • 他在国外工作八年,
  • Each month he sends money back to his parents who care for his sister who has a disability.
  • 每个月都要寄钱给父母让他们照顾残障的妹妹。
  • This year his whole family is getting together for a family reunion.
  • 今年,全家人团圆。
  • Greg wanted to go very badly but he couldn't afford it.
  • 他非常想回去,可是却负担不起。
  • His co-workers gave their sympathies, then told Greg that the boss wanted to see him.
  • 同事同情他的遭遇,并告诉葛瑞格老板要见他。
  • He walked down the hall and knocked on his boss's door.
  • 他走到老板的门口,敲敲门,
  • His boss greeted him. "Greg, I know your vacation time is coming up.
  • 老板问候他。“葛瑞格,我知道你就快休假了,
  • I thought you could use this."
  • 我想你也许用得着这个。”
  • He handed Greg an envelope. Greg opened it and saw a nice sized cheque.
  • 他交给葛瑞格一个信封,葛瑞格打开,看到里头有张面额不小的支票。
  • "It is your bonus cheque." His boss informed him.
  • “这是你的红利奖金”,老板告诉他,
  • "I thought you could use it sooner than later."
  • “我想你很快就会需要它。”
  • With a big smile, Greg thanked his boss. Greg had his ticket home.
  • 葛瑞格露出灿烂的笑容,谢谢他的老板,他终于有了返乡的机票。


Unit 2 A Ticket Home

第2单元 返乡的机票

Greg walked into the office with his head hung low. His fellow co-workers saw his glum face and asked what was wrong. He informed them that he was unable to get the money he needed to fly home and see his family.


He had been working overseas for years. Each month he sends money back to his parents who care for his sister who has a disability. This year his whole family is getting together for a family reunion. Greg wanted to go very badly but he couldnt afford it.


His co-workers gave their sympathies, then told Greg that the boss wanted to see him. He walked down the hall and knocked on his bosss door. His boss greeted him. “Greg, I know your vacation time is coming up. I thought you could use this.”


He handed Greg an envelope. Greg opened it and saw a nice sized cheque. “It is your bonus cheque.” His boss informed him. “I thought you could use it sooner than later.” With a big smile, Greg thanked his boss. Greg had his ticket home.


【美】 Meredith Walker 著 陈怡芬 译


重点单词   查看全部解释    
envelope ['enviləup]


n. 信封,封皮,壳层

informed [in'fɔ:md]


adj. 见多识广的 v. 通告,告发 vbl. 通告,

bonus ['bəunəs]


n. 奖金,红利

disability [disə'biliti]


n. 无力,无能,残疾





