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- Unit 5 Art in the Community
- 第5单元 社区艺术
- Tanya's school held an art competition.
- 谭雅的学校举办一场美术比赛,
- The competition was to design an art project using the theme "community".
- 比赛是以“社区”为主题设计一个艺术专案,
- The person that won would receive funding to make their art piece.
- 获胜者可以获得一笔资金来创作该艺术作品。
- Tanya left school and walked home with her mind deep in thought about the project.
- 谭雅放学回家时,心想着参展的事,
- On the way home, she saw an elderly man in torn old clothes removing some things from the garbage.
- 她在路上看到一个衣衫褴褛的拾荒老人,
- Tanya saw the man's cart was full of treasures that he had found in the garbage.
- 他的推车满载着他从垃圾堆找到的宝物。
- She knew the man was homeless.
- 谭雅知道这个人无家可归,
- Tanya's mind went back to her school project. Suddenly, she had an idea.
- 她回头想参展的事,突然灵光一现,
- She ran the rest of the way home, excited to get on the computer and start typing out her idea.
- 她跑回家,兴奋地打开电脑,开始把想法键入电脑,
- The following morning she walked up to the teacher and handed in her proposal.
- 隔天早上她把提案交给老师。
- The teacher read the heading: Community Mural.
- 老师看了看标题:社区壁画。
- An invitation for the homeless, youth at risk and minority to bring color to the neighborhood.
- 欢迎游民、高危青少年和弱势族群,为街坊邻居带来色彩。
- By Tanya Livingstone.
- 提案者:谭雅·李文斯顿。
Unit 5 Art in the Community
Tanya's school held an art competition. The competition was to design an art project using the theme “community”. The person that won would receive funding to make their art piece.
Tanya left school and walked home with her mind deep in thought about the project. On the way home, she saw an elderly man in torn old clothes removing some things from the garbage. Tanya saw the man's cart was full of treasures that he had found in the garbage.
She knew the man was homeless. Tanya's mind went back to her school project. Suddenly, she had an idea. She ran the rest of the way home, excited to get on the computer and start typing out her idea. The following morning she walked up to the teacher and handed in her proposal.
The teacher read the heading: Community Mural. An invitation for the homeless, youth at risk and minority to bring color to the neighborhood. By Tanya Livingstone.
【美】 Meredith Walker 著 陈怡芬 译
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/menu/201207/188888.shtml