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  • 'And you, a man of science, believe that the creature is supernatural—something from another world?'asked Holmes.
  • “那么您,一位从事科学工作的人,相信这个东西是超乎自然的——是从另一个世界而来的家伙吗?”福尔摩斯问道。
  • 'I don't know what to believe, 'said Dr Mortimer.
  • “我也不知道应该相信什么,”摩梯末医生道。
  • 'But you must agree that the footprints were made by a liv- ing creature, not a ghost?'
  • “但是您总得承认那些爪印是活生生的东西而不是鬼怪留下的吧?”
  • 'When the hound first appeared two hundred and fifty years ago, it was real enough to tear out Sir Hugo's throat…but it was a supernatural hell-hound, 'said Dr Mortimer.
  • “那条猎犬在250年前最初出现时,它撕断了雨果爵士的喉咙,这真有其事……但是它是一条超乎自然的恶犬,”摩梯末医生说道。
  • 'If you think that Sir Charles' death was caused by some- thing supernatural, my detective work can't help you,' said Holmes, rather coldly.
  • “要是您认为查尔斯爵士的死是某种超自然因素造成的话,那我的侦探工作可帮不了您什么忙,”福尔摩斯相当冷淡地说道。
  • 'Perhaps,' said Mortimer. 'But you can help me by advis- ing me what to do for Sir Henry Baskerville. He arrives in London by train in exactly,' Dr Mortimer looked at his watch, 'one hour and a quarter.'
  • “也许吧,”摩梯末道。“可是您能帮助我,建议我该为亨利·巴斯克维尔爵尔做些什么。他将正好在,”摩梯末看了看他的表,“1小时15分钟之后乘火车抵达伦敦。”
  • 'Sir Henry is now head of the Baskerville family?' asked Holmes.
  • “亨利爵士现在是巴斯克维尔家族的主人吗?”福尔摩斯问道。
  • 'Yes,' said Dr Mortimer. 'He is the last of the Baskervilles. The family lawyers contacted him in the USA. He has come to England immediately by ship.
  • “对了,”摩梯末道。“他是巴斯克维尔家族的最后一位成员。家族的律师们与他在美国联系上了。他已立即乘船前来英格兰。
  • He landed this morning. Now, Mr Holmes, what do you advise me to do with him?'
  • 他是今早靠岸的。现在,福尔摩斯先生,您建议我对他做些什么呢?”
  • 'Why should he not go to the family home?' asked Holmes.
  • “为什么他不应该到他祖祖辈辈居住的家里去呢?” 福尔摩斯问道。
  • 'Because so many Baskervilles who go there die horrible deaths. But Sir Charles'good work must go on. If it doesn't, all the people on the Baskerville lands will be much poorer.
  • “因为巴斯克维尔家族里去了那儿的这么多人都令人恐怖地死去了。可是查尔斯爵士的慈善工作必须继续下去。否则的话,巴斯克维尔家族所拥有的土地上的人们将要穷困得多。
  • If the Baskerville family leaves the Hall, that is what will happen. I don't know what to do. That is why I came to you for advice.'
  • 要是巴斯克维尔家族离开园的话,那将是即将发生的事实。我不知道该怎么办。这便是我前来向您讨教的原因。”
  • Holmes though for a little while. Then he said: 'You think it is too dangerous for any Baskerville to live at the Hall because of this supernatural hell-hound.
  • 福尔摩斯考虑了一小会儿。然后他说:“您认为由于那条神秘的恶犬因而巴斯克维尔家的人住在那个庄园里都不安全。
  • Well, I think you should go and meet Sir Henry Baskerville. Say nothing to him about this. I shall give you my advice in twenty-four hours.
  • 唔,我认为您该去接亨利·巴斯克维尔爵士。对他只字不提这些。24小时之后我将给您提供我的建议。
  • At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, Dr Mortimer, I would like you to bring Sir Henry Baskerville here.'
  • 明天早上10点钟时,摩梯末医生,我希望您能偕亨利·巴斯克维尔爵士同来此处。”
  • Dr Mortimer got up from his chair. As he was leaving the room, Holmes said: 'One more question, Dr Mortimer.
  • 摩梯末医生从椅子上站起身来。在他即将离开之时,福尔摩斯说道:“再问您一个问题,摩梯末医生。
  • You said that before Sir Charles'death several people saw this strange creature on the moor?'
  • 您曾经说过,在查尔斯爵士死去之前曾有几个人在沼地上看到那个奇怪的动物吧?”
  • 'Three people did,' said Mortimer.
  • “有三个人看到过,”摩梯末道。
  • 'Did anyone see it after the death?'
  • “在他死去之后有人看到过吗?”
  • 'I haven't heard of anyone.'
  • “我还没有听说过。”
  • 'Thank you, Dr Mortimer. Good morning.'
  • “谢谢您,摩梯末医生。早安。”


'And youa man of sciencebelieve that the creature is supernaturalsomething from another world'asked Holmes.

'I don't know what to believe'said Dr Mortimer
'But you must agree that the footprints were made by a liv- ing creaturenot a ghost'
'When the hound first appeared two hundred and fifty years agoit was real enough to tear out Sir Hugo's throatbut it was a supernatural hell-hound'said Dr Mortimer
'If you think that Sir Charles' death was caused by something supernaturalmy detective work can't help you'said Holmesrather coldly
'Perhaps'said Mortimer'But you can help me by advis- ing me what to do for Sir Henry BaskervilleHe arrives in London by train in exactly'Dr Mortimer looked at his watch'one hour and a quarter'
'Sir Henry is now head of the Baskerville family'asked Holmes
'Yes'said Dr Mortimer'He is the last of the BaskervillesThe family lawyers contacted him in the USAHe has come to England immediately by shipHe landed this morningNowMr Holmeswhat do you advise me to do with him'
'Why should he not go to the family home'asked Holmes
'Because so many Baskervilles who go there die horrible deathsBut Sir Charles'good work must go onIf it doesn'tall the people on the Baskerville lands will be much poorerIf the Baskerville family leaves the Hallthat is what will happenI don't know what to doThat is why I came to you for advice'
Holmes though for a little whileThen he said'You think it is too dangerous for any Baskerville to live at the Hall because of this supernatural hellhoundWellI think you should go and meet Sir Henry BaskervilleSay nothing to him about thisI shall give you my advice in twentyfour hoursAt ten o'clock tomorrow morningDr MortimerI would like you to bring Sir Henry Baskerville here'
Dr Mortimer got up from his chairAs he was leaving the roomHolmes said'One more questionDr MortimerYou said that before Sir Charles'death several people saw this strange creature on the moor'
'Three people did'said Mortimer
'Did anyone see it after the death'
'I haven't heard of anyone'
'Thank youDr MortimerGood morning'
After Mortimer had left usHolmes sat down in his chairHe looked pleasedHe always looked pleased when a case interested him
I knew that he needed to be alone to think about all that he had heardI went out for the dayand came back to find the room full of thick smoke from Holmes'pipe
'What do you think of this case'I asked him
'It is hard to sayTakefor examplethe change in the footprintsDid Sir Charles walk on his toes down the AlleyOnly a stupid person is likely to believe thatThe truth is he was runningrunning for his lifeHe ran until his heart stopped and he fell dead'
'What was he running from'I asked
'That is the difficult question'said Holmes'I think he was mad with fear before he began to runHe didn't know what he was doingThat explains why he ran away from the house instead of towards itHe was running away from helpThe next questionwho was he waiting for that nightAnd why was he waiting in the Yew Alley and not in the house'
'You think he was waiting for someone'
'Sir Charles was old and unwellWe can understand why he took a walk each eveningBut why did he stand in the coldon wet groundfor five or ten minutesDr Mortimer cleverly noted the cigar ashso we know how long Sir Charles stood thereWe know that he kept away from the moorso it's unlikely that he waited at the moor gate every eveningI am beginning to understand some thingsWatsonBut I'll think no more about it until we meet Dr Mortimer and Sir Henry Baskerville in the morningPlease give me my violin'
And Holmes began to play his violinHe had done all the thinking he couldNow he needed more details of the case to help him

重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

violin [.vaiə'lin]


n. 小提琴

supernatural [.sju:pə'nætʃərəl]


adj. 超自然的,神奇的

detective [di'tektiv]


adj. 侦探的
n. 侦探

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮





