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  • 4 My adventures begin
  • 4 我的历险开始了
  • As we made our way to the palace, I began to feel that I really was the King of Ruritania, with Marshal Strakencz, the head of the army, on my right and old Sapt on my left.
  • 在去王宫的路上,军队的首领斯特肯茨元帅站在我的右边,老萨普特站在我的左边,我开始感到自己真的是卢里塔尼亚的国王了。
  • I could see that Strelsau was really two towns the Old Town and the New Town.The people of the Old Town, who were poor, wanted Duke Michael to be their King, but the people of the New Town wanted King Rudolf.
  • 我看到斯特莱索实际上是两个城——老城和新城。老城的人是穷人,他们想要迈克尔公爵当国王。
  • We went through the New Town first, and it was bright and colourful, with the ladies'dresses and the red roses of the Elphbergs.
  • 新城的人却希望鲁道夫当国王。我们先经过新城,城里女人们的衣饰和艾尔弗伯格红玫瑰使得城市明亮艳丽。
  • The people shouted loudly for their King as we passed through the streets.But when we came to the Old Town, the Marshal and Sapt moved nearer to my horse, and I could see that they were afraid for me.
  • 我们经过大街时,人们高声为国王欢呼。但当我们来到老城时,元帅和老萨普特靠近我的马,我能看出他们为我担心。
  • 'Stay back!'I called.'I'll show my people that I'm not afraid of them.'Some of the crowd were pleased when they heard this, but most of them watched me in silence.
  • “退回去!”我叫道:“我要让我的人民看看我并不害怕他们。”人群中有些人听到了我的话感到很高兴,但大多数人沉默地看着我。
  • Finally, we reached the great church of Strelsau.I remember very little of the coronation-only two faces.One was a beauti ful girl with wonderful red hair, the Princess Flavia.
  • 终于我们来到了斯特莱索大教堂,大典的事儿我差不多都记不得了,除了两张面孔以外。一张是一个漂亮姑娘的,她长了一头绝妙的红头发。她是弗蕾维亚公主。
  • The other was the face of a man with black hair and dark, deep eyes-Black Michael.When he saw me, his face turned white.Clearly, he was surprised and deeply unhappy to see me.
  • 另一张脸是一个男人的,他长着黑头发,深黑色的眼睛。他就是黑迈克尔。当他看见我时,他的面色发白了。很清楚,他见到我很吃惊,而且非常不快。
  • The coronation seemed to last for hours, but I managed to say and do all the right things.At last it was over, and I was now the King of Ruritania!
  • 加冕典礼持续了几个小时,但我总算说对了也做对了所有的事儿。最后仪式终于结束了,现在我是卢里塔尼亚国王了!
  • As Princess Flavia and I drove back to the palace in an open car, one man in the crowd called out, 'When's the wedding?'
  • 当弗蕾维亚公主和我乘着敞篷车回宫殿时,人群中有人对我们喊道:“什么时候举行婚礼?”
  • The Princess's face went a little pink when she heard this.After a while she said, 'You seem different today, Rudolf.Quieter and more serious.Are you going to become a more sensible person now?'
  • 公主听到这话时她的脸有点儿发红。过了一会儿她说:“鲁道夫,你看起来不大一样,你变得安静严肃了。你现在会变得更明智些了吧?”
  • The Princess, I realized, did not think very highly of the King.As for me, I thought the King was a very lucky man.
  • 我明白了,公主对国王的评价不太高。在我看来,国王是一个非常幸运的人。
  • 'If that will please you, I'll try to do it, 'I said softly.
  • “如果那样能使你高兴的话,我就试试这么做。”我柔和地说。
  • The Princess's face went pink again.Then she said, 'You must be careful of Michael.You know.'
  • 公主的脸红了,然后她说:“你得小心迈克尔,你知道……”
  • 'I know, 'I said, 'that he wants what I have, and also what I hope to have one day.'As I spoke, I looked at her, and she smiled at me prettily.
  • “我知道,”我说,“他想得到我所拥有的,还想得到我有朝一日想得到的。”我这么说的时候眼睛看着她,她对我微笑着,很可爱。
  • 'I wonder what the King's doing now, 'I thought.
  • “我真想知道国王现在在干嘛?”我暗想。
  • The royal dinner went on for a long time, but at last Fritz, Sapt, and I were alone in the King's dressing-room.
  • 宫廷晚宴持续了很长时间,不过弗里茨、萨普特和我总算单独呆在国王的更衣室里了。
  • 'You did well, 'Fritz said, 'but, Rassendyll, be careful!Black Michael looked blacker than ever today-because you and the Princess had so much to say to each other.'
  • “你干得不错,”弗里茨说,“但是拉森狄尔,小心一点!黑迈克尔今天看起来特别黑,因为你和公主两人有那么多可说的。”
  • 'She's very beautiful, 'I replied.
  • “她美极了。”我回答。


Chapter 4 My adventures begin

第4章 我的历险开始了
As we made our way to the palaceI began to feel that I really was the King of Ruritaniawith Marshal Strakenczthe head of the armyon my right and old Sapt on my left
I could see that Strelsau was really two towns the Old Town and the New TownThe people of the Old Townwho were poorwanted Duke Michael to be their Kingbut the people of the New Town wanted King Rudolf
We went through the New Town firstand it was bright and colourfulwith the ladies'dresses and the red roses of the Elphbergs
The people shouted loudly for their King as we passed through the streetsBut when we came to the Old Townthe Marshal and Sapt moved nearer to my horseand I could see that they were afraid for me
'Stay back'I called'I'll show my people that I'm not afraid of them'Some of the crowd were pleased when they heard thisbut most of them watched me in silence
Finallywe reached the great church of StrelsauI remember very little of the coronation-only two facesOne was a beauti ful girl with wonderful red hairthe Princess Flavia
The other was the face of a man with black hair and darkdeep eyes-Black MichaelWhen he saw mehis face turned whiteClearlyhe was surprised and deeply unhappy to see me
The coronation seemed to last for hoursbut I managed to say and do all the right thingsAt last it was overand I was now the King of Ruritania
As Princess Flavia and I drove back to the palace in an open carone man in the crowd called out'When's the wedding'
The Princess's face went a little pink when she heard thisAfter a while she said'You seem different todayRudolfQuieter and more seriousAre you going to become a more sensible person now'
The PrincessI realizeddid not think very highly of the KingAs for meI thought the King was a very lucky man
'If that will please youI'll try to do it'I said softly
The Princess's face went pink againThen she said'You must be careful of MichaelYou know'
'I know'I said'that he wants what I haveand also what I hope to have one day'As I spokeI looked at herand she smiled at me prettily
'I wonder what the King's doing now'I thought
The royal dinner went on for a long timebut at last FritzSaptand I were alone in the King's dressing-room
'You did well'Fritz said'butRassendyllbe carefulBlack Michael looked blacker than ever today-because you and the Princess had so much to say to each other'
'She's very beautiful'I replied

重点单词   查看全部解释    
silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

unhappy [ʌn'hæpi]


adj. 不快乐的,不高兴的

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

sensible ['sensəbl]


adj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的
n. 可





