In July and August Wallis and the King sailed the Mediter-ranean.
They met Prime Minister Metaxas in Greece,Kemal Ataturk in Turkey,and King Boris in Bulgaria.
But that summer is famous for Edwards clothes.
On the journey from Athens to Istanbul, the King took off his shirt to get brown in the sun.It was hot, and ten minutes later he was asleep.
So he did not see the young photographer who was now taking pictures of the King…
When Edward returned from the Mediterranean,there was a letter waiting for him.
It was from Mr Albert Thompson of Birmingham, who wrote: I saw a picture of you in the newspaper this morning and I felt very angry.
I have never seen a King dressed as bad-ly as you were! No shirt! And no tie, no socks, no hat… and in short trousers! How could you,Sir?
Edward showed this letter to Stanley Baldwin, the Prime Minister.What do you think of this? the King asked.
Mr Thompson is right, Sir, the Prime Minister replied. You want to be modern, but the people dont like it.
Edward put the letter on the fire.And do you think that divorce is modern, Mr Baldwin?
The Prime Minister sat down.Yes, Sir, he began, Ive read about this Mrs Simpson.
She has two husbands still alive.And you must understand what that means, Sir. She cannot marry a King.
But I cannot live without her, Edward said.
Then,Sir, the Prime Minister replied, I can see theres a storm coming.
I have talked to your family and to Archbishop Lang, and we will not have this woman as our Queen.
That night the Prime Minister and the King spoke for many hours. There were hundreds of questions, but only one answer.
And so, in the early hours of the next morning, Ed-ward said:
You tell me that Wallis cannot marry a King. So there is only one thing that I can do.