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《一个国王的爱情故事》第8期:The Church 教会

编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • In the spring of 1936, Mrs Simpson wrote a letter to her husband.
  • 1936年春天,辛普森夫人给她丈夫写了一封信。
  • Dear Ernest, she wrote. You have been very kind to me. You are a good and strong man.
  • “亲爱的欧内斯特,”她写道,“你一直待我很好。你心地善良,性格坚强。
  • But I must tell you that our marriage is finished.
  • 但我不得不告诉你,我们的婚姻结束了。
  • I am in love with the King and I want a divorce. Dont be angry.
  • 我爱上了国王,我想和你离婚。请不要生气。
  • There is nothing you can do. Ill never forget you, but I have to be free.
  • 你无能为力了。我永远不会忘记你,但我必须得到自由。”
  • Ernest replied immediately: Your letter arrived this morning.
  • 欧内斯特立刻回了信:“你的信是今早到的。
  • I will do what you ask, but Ill never stop loving you. And if you need me, Ill always be here.
  • 我答应你的要求,但我永远不会停止对你的爱。如果你需要我,我随时都会帮忙。”
  • That night the King and Wallis met at a small restaurant in Piccadilly.
  • 那天晚上,国王和沃利斯在皮卡迪里的一家小餐馆见了面。
  • Edward read Ernests letter again and again.
  • 爱德华一遍又一遍地读欧内斯特的信。
  • Thats wonderful news, he said. Nothing can stop us now!
  • “这消息太好了,”他说,“现在没有什么能够阻碍我们了。”
  • The next day, when Edward came down to breakfast, Gordon Lang, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was waiting for him.
  • 第二天,爱德华下楼吃早饭的时候,发现坎特伯雷大主教戈登·朗正在等他。
  • Good morning, Gordon, the King said. How nice to see you again. And what can I do for you?
  • “早上好,戈登,”国王说,“又见到您真好。我能为您做些什么?”
  • For a minute the Archbishop said nothing.
  • 大主教沉默了片刻。
  • Then he opened a small black bag and took out three newspapers.
  • 然后打开一个小黑包,取出3份报纸。
  • I have come to see you about Mrs Wallis Simpsonn, he began.
  • “我来见您是为了沃利斯·辛普森夫人的事,”他开口说。
  • The newspapers say that you want to marry her. Are these stories true, Sir?
  • “报上说您要娶她为妻。这是真的吗,陛下?”
  • Yes, Gordon, Wallis is going to be my wife.
  • “是的,戈登,沃利斯将成为我的妻子。”
  • But thats not possible, the Archbishop replied.
  • “但那是不可能的,”大主教说。
  • You know what the Church thinks about marriage and divorce. Divorce is wrong in the eyes of God!
  • “您知道教会对婚姻和离婚的看法。在上帝眼里,离婚是错误的!”
  • Edward smiled and then said:Can I ask you some questions about God, Mr Lang?
  • 爱德华笑了,然后说:“我能问您一些有关上帝的问题吗,朗先生?”
  • Yes, of course, Sir. Is God happy when two people fall in love?
  • “当然可以,陛下。” “当两个人相爱时,上帝高兴吗?”
  • Yes, Sir, but...
  • “高兴,陛下,但是……”
  • And is God happy when two people fall in love and get married?
  • “两个人相爱并结婚,上帝高兴吗?”
  • Yes, Sir, but...
  • “高兴,陛下,但是……”
  • And is God happy when two people fall in love, get married, and live happily together?
  • “两个人相爱、结婚、在一起幸福地生活,上帝高兴吗?”
  • Yes, Sir, but...
  • “高兴,陛下,但是……”
  • Then, Archbishop, Wallis and I will make God very happy.
  • “那么,大主教,沃利斯和我会让上帝十分高兴的。
  • We are in love, well get married, and well live together happily!
  • 我们相爱,我们要结婚,我们在一起生活会很幸福!”
  • But you dont understand, Sir, Mr Lang replied. The Church says that divorce is wrong.
  • “但您不明白,陛下,”朗先生说,“教会认为离婚是错误的。
  • Mrs Simpson cannot leave Mr Simpson and then marry you.
  • 辛普森夫人不能离开辛普森先生,然后和您结婚。
  • You must forget about her and find another woman. Please, Sir, I must ask you to think again.
  • 您必须忘记她,去找另一个女子。陛下,我请求您三思。”
  • That is not possible, Edward said softly. When Wallis is free, I shall marry her.
  • “这是不可能的,”爱德华轻轻地说,“沃利斯一离婚,我就娶她。”
  • There was a long silence. The Archbishop looked down at the floor and shook his head.
  • 沉默了许久,大主教低头看着地板,摇了摇头。
  • Youre making a big mistake, Sir, he said.
  • “您正在犯一个很大的错误,陛下,”他说,
  • The Church is very strong, and we will not have this woman as our Queen!
  • “教会是强有力的,我们不会让这个女人做我们的王后!”
  • Suddenly Edward stood up, his face red and angry. Thank you for coming, he said.
  • 爱德华刷地站起身,脸色通红,怒容满面。“谢谢您的来访,”他说。
  • But I have nothing more to say.And I want to be alone.
  • “但我没什么可说的了。我想一个人待着。”
  • The Archbishop stood up to go, but then turned and touched the Kings arm.
  • 大主教站起身要走,但又回过头来,拍拍国王的手臂。
  • Please, Sir, think again. The Church will be against you.
  • “陛下,请您再想想。教会会反对您的。”
  • I dont care, Edward replied. I have God on my side, and that is all I need. Goodbye, Mr Lang.
  • “我不在乎,”爱德华回答,“上帝会站在我这边,除此之外我不需要别的。再见,朗先生。”


In the spring of 1936,Mrs Simpson wrote a letter to her husband.

'Dear Ernest,' she wrote. 'You have been very kind to me. You are a good and strong man. But I must tell you that our marriage is finished.
I am in love with the King and I want a divorce. Don't be angry. There is nothing you can do. I'll never forget you, but I have to be free.'
Ernest replied immediately: 'Your letter arrived this morning. I will do what you ask, but I'll never stop loving you. And if you need me, I'll always be here.'
That night the King and Wallis met at a small restaurant in Piccadilly. Edward read Ernest's letter again and again. 'That's wonderful news, 'he said. 'Nothing can stop us now!'
The next day, when Edward came down to breakfast, Gordon Lang, the Archbishop of Canterbury, was waiting for him.
'Good morning, Gordon, 'the King said. 'How nice to see you again. And what can I do for you?'
For a minute the Archbishop said nothing. Then he opened a small black bag and took out three newspapers.
'I have come to see you about Mrs Wallis Simpsonn, 'he began. 'The newspapers say that you want to marry her. Are these stories true, Sir?'
'Yes, Gordon, Wallis is going to be my wife.'
'But that's not possible,' the Archbishop replied. 'You know what the Church thinks about marriage and divorce. Di-vorce is wrong in the eyes of God!'
Edward smiled and then said:'Can I ask you some ques-tions about God, Mr Lang?'
'Yes, of course, Sir.'
'Is God happy when two people fall in love?'
'Yes, Sir, but...'
'And is God happy when two people fall in love and get married?'
'And is God happy when two people fall in love,get mar-ried, and live happily together?'
'Yes, Sir, but...'
'Then, Archbishop, Wallis and I will make God very happy. We are in love, we'll get married, and we'll live to-gether happily!'
'But you don't understand, Sir, 'Mr Lang replied. 'The Church says that divorce is wrong. Mrs Simpson cannot leave Mr Simpson and then marry you.
You must forget about her and find another woman. Please, Sir, I must ask you to think again.'
'That is not possible,' Edward said softly. 'When Wallis is free, I shall marry her.'
There was a long silence. The Archbishop looked down at the floor and shook his head. 'You're making a big mistake, Sir, 'he said.
'The Church is very strong, and we will not have this woman as our Queen!'
Suddenly Edward stood up, his face red and angry. 'Thank you for coming,' he said. 'But I have nothing more to say.And I want to be alone.'
The Archbishop stood up to go, but then turned and touched the King's arm. 'Please, Sir, think again. The Church will be against you.'
'I don't care,' Edward replied. 'I have God on my side, and that is all I need. Goodbye, Mr Lang.'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
touched [tʌtʃt]


adj. 受感动的 adj. 精神失常的

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

mar [mɑ:]


vt. 破坏,毁坏 n. 污点,瑕疵 abbr. 海上的





