A: I want to get a store credit card.我想办张商店的会员卡。B: I have the application form right here.这儿有申请表格。A: ...Okay. I've filled out the form. Here you go.好的。我已经填完了,给你。B: Th2011-10-26 编辑:rainbow 标签:
A: Hi. I'd like to get your store credit card.你好。我想办张你们店的会员卡。B: Here's the application form.给你一张申请表。A: ...I'm finished. Here's the form.我填完了。这是表格。B: Thank you. No2011-10-25 编辑:rainbow 标签:
A: Where is the pots and pans section?请问炊具专柜在哪儿?B: You'll find all our pots and pans right over there.看,就在那边。A: Thank you. All I had to do was open my eyes.谢谢,我去找找看。B: Woul2011-10-24 编辑:rainbow 标签:
A: I'm looking for your pots and pans section.您好,请问炊具专柜在哪边?B: We have a huge pots and pans section right over there.那边很大一块都是卖炊具的。A: Thank you for your help.多谢。B: You kno2011-10-21 编辑:Lily 标签:
A: Hi. I'm looking for pots and pans.您好,请问炊具柜台在哪边?B: That section is right over there.就在那边。A: Thank you so much.谢谢。B: Perhaps you'd like to sign up for our store credit card.您2011-10-20 编辑:Lily 标签:
相约美剧 学生活口语第74期:鼓励尝试
本对话选自Joey《乔伊》。Joey 对自己的角色很失望,Gina鼓励他,认为他不应该轻易地就放弃,不能因为害怕,没有演过就不去演。Gina: Ugh, Joey, they called you in. You should just audition for the dad.Joey:2011-10-20 编辑:Daisy 标签:
A: Can you tell me where the pots and pans are?请问卖炊具的柜台在哪边?B: Pots and pans are right over there.炊具在那边。A: Oh, thank you.谢谢。B: Could I interest you in our store credit card?您要不2011-10-19 编辑:Lily 标签:
相约美剧 学生活口语第73期:约定见面时间
本对话选自Kyle《神奇凯尔》。Declan询问Lori为何爽约,以及约定下次约会的时间。Declan: So what happened last night? You never came out.Lori: Sorry, I got nabbed.Declan: Feels like you're jerking me ar2011-10-19 编辑:Daisy 标签:
相约美剧 学生活口语第73期:约定见面时间
本对话选自Kyle《神奇凯尔》。Declan询问Lori为何爽约,以及约定下次约会的时间。Declan: So what happened last night? You never came out.Lori: Sorry, I got nabbed.Declan: Feels like you're jerking me ar2011-10-19 编辑:Daisy 标签:
相约美剧 学生活口语第72期:表示歉意
本对话选自Desperate Housewives 《绝望的主妇》。Kendra 向Susan道歉。她影响了Susan和Mike的交往。二人谈起了一些感情问题。Kendra: Sorry about the misunderstanding.Susan: Me, too.Kendra: So, how long hav2011-10-18 编辑:Daisy 标签:
A: Can you help me find a nice gift for my young niece?您能不能帮我给我的小侄女挑一件礼物?B: Barbie dolls are quite popular, you know.要说起来,芭比娃娃是十分受欢迎的。A: You're right. Girls love B2011-10-18 编辑:Lily 标签:
A: Hi. I want to get something nice for my niece.您好,我想给我的侄女买件像样的礼物。B: Well, I've never heard of a little girl that didn't love Barbie dolls.就我所知,没有那个小女孩不爱芭比娃娃的。2011-10-17 编辑:Lily 标签:
相约美剧 学生活口语第71期:圣诞聚会
本对话选自Joey《乔伊》。Joey Gina和Michael回家的时候。Joey正在装扮新买的圣诞树。虽然记者会被Joey 搞砸了,但是这没有影响到他的好心情。Joey: Hey, guys. Check it out. I got the perfect tree. It smells2011-10-17 编辑:Daisy 标签:
A: Hello. Do you have anything for a little girl?您好,您这有没有适合小女孩的东西?B: Well, we have some new Barbie dolls.我们有一批新款的芭比娃娃。A: That's a great idea. Show me the Barbie dolls.太2011-10-14 编辑:Lily 标签:
相约美剧 学生活口语第70期:情人节
本对话选自Desperate Housewives《绝望的主妇》。Susan手绘了一张情人节卡片赠送Mike,对话中Susan自己对这张卡进行了很高的评价。Susan: Ooh. Valentine's Day card. It's pretty. And meticulously hand paint2011-10-14 编辑:Daisy 标签:
第976期:生活实用对话 到底要不要结婚?!
A: Man, I'm freaking out. You go -
第977期:生活实用对话 装修房子Decor
Can you hold the end of this tape me - 3

