"Happiness is not about having more, but needing less."
'What items in your home no longer bring you joy or serve a purpose?『你家里有哪些物品已经不再带给你快乐或已经失去了它的用途?』”
Lily的回答: "Although I don't have a home or permanent address right now, I can recall a time when I had a lot of clothes and boxes laying around the house, and it really annoyed me. There were also expired items in the kitchen and fridge that I hadn’t noticed until they started taking up unnecessary space."“虽然我现在没有一个固定的家或永久的住址,但我回忆起曾经在家里堆满了很多衣服和箱子,这让我非常烦恼。厨房和冰箱里还有一些过期的物品,直到它们占据了不必要的空间才引起我的注意。”
官方Line ID @flywithlily