住在北美农村是什么体验?那里的城乡差别大吗?外国人是否也想逃离一线城市?今天, Adam就要跟大家分享他最近离开繁华的多伦多,搬到乡村后的生活。
Adam's gone country. Adam去乡村了。
Adam has moved to the countryside. Adam搬去乡村了。
The country
The country/countryside: 乡村
I'm from the country. 我是农村来的。
Which country are you from? 你是哪个国家的?
I moved from the city to the countryside. 我从城市搬到农村。
I moved from the country to the city. 我从农村搬到城市。
City/town: 城市(名词)
Urban: 城市的(形容词)
Rural: 乡村的(形容词)
Urban rural divide/difference: 城乡差异
Village: 小乡村,大概几百至千人规模
Town: 规模较大的城镇,人口比village多很多
Adam lives about an hour and a half away from Toronto. Adam目前住在离多伦多一个半小时车程的地方。
It's the countryside. 算是乡村。
The middle of nowhere: 前不着村,后不着店
It's the middle of nowhere. 这里真偏僻。
I live in the middle of nowhere. 我住在很偏僻的地方。
Pros and cons of living in the countryside 住在乡村的好处与坏处
Pros: 好处
Quiet and peaceful: 安静、宁静
Makes you feel grounded: 给人踏实的感觉
Some cost advantages: 有些价格优势
Cons: 坏处
It's hard to get around here. 这边出行不便。
You have to drive everywhere. 到哪儿都得开车。
Go stir crazy: 百无聊赖把人都逼疯了
No Asian supermarkets: 没有亚洲超市