Self-awareness is the starting point of healing. —Marcel Proust 自我觉察是疗愈的起点。—普鲁斯特
Day 23 自我察觉挑战
How do I spend my free time? 我如何打发空闲的时间?
I am currently volunteering in Bali. Apart from working from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM, all other times are my free time. In the morning, I go to a seaside café to work on my computer. After my volunteer work in the afternoon, I relax at my place, sometimes daydreaming or listening to audiobooks. In the evenings, I have dinner and chat with my fellow volunteers. I really enjoy how my free time is arranged here. This is quite different from the past when I used to spend a lot of time watching videos online and browsing through updates on Instagram.
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