Come and Go
Today we're going to focus on some phrasal verbs with "come" and "go": 今天我们要聚焦含有come和go的短语动词
Core verbs: 核心动词
Some are pretty easy to understand, like "go up or come down": 许多含有come和go的短语动词很形象、易懂
We're going to focus on more abstract ones whose meanings are harder to guess: 我们今天要教大家的是比较抽象的
Come on: 两个主要的意思:1)加油 2) 有没有搞错!表示一种不相信对方说的话、不想理会的意思。大家可以从come on的上下文和语气上来区分。含义2)通常把重音放在-me和on的连读上,而且发音会拖得比较长
Come up with: 想出来、策划出来。常用的搭配有
To come up with an idea or a plan
To come up with an excuse: 想借口
He is always coming up with excuses to leave early: 他层出不穷地想出早退的借口
Come down with: 生病, 主要指头疼脑热的小毛病
To come down with a cold, fever, or headache: 感冒了、发烧了、头疼了
Sorry, I can't come to work today. I came down with a fever: 不好意思我不能来上班了,我发烧了
I came down with something: 我有点不舒服,不用具体说什么问题
Come down to: 归根结底、总而言之, 最核心的因素
We can do many different things, but it all comes down to time: 我们可以做很多不同的事情,关键是有没有时间
Come across as: 给人的印象、感觉
She comes across as a very modest person: 她给人很谦虚的感觉
He came across as arrogant at first. But once you get to know her, she is actually very kind: 他一开始给人感觉很高傲。但认识后,他其实是个很友善的人
关于go, 我们最常收到的一个用户问题就是到底是
Go to do something还是go do something?
其实,两个都正确。但是口语中,许多native speakers为了简洁,就省略to,直接说go do something.而且也包含了go and do something的含义
比如 Do you want to go see a movie this weekend? 你周末想去看场电影吗?
Go for: 点菜时常用,意思是我要点这个
I'll go for the steak: 我点牛排
I'm going for the fried rice: 我点炒饭
Go with: 搭配、匹配
This wine goes well with your steak: 这款葡萄酒非常配你的牛排
Your shoes really go with your dress today: 你今天的鞋子和裙子特别配
This color doesn't really go with that: 这个颜色和那个不配
Go off: 原意是爆炸、爆发,口语中常用于形容闹钟、手机响,或者脾气爆炸
I was late because my alarm didn't go off this morning: 我早上迟到了,因为闹钟没响
My boss totally went off today during the meeting: 老板今天开会时大发脾气
Go over: 讨论、从头到尾看一遍、复习
Jenny and Adam always go over the outline before they record: Jenny和Adam录音前会一起过大纲
We should go over the details before the event: 活动前,我们要对一下细节
Go by: 介绍名字时用的, 意思是你可以这样叫我
My full name is Catherine. But I go by Cathy: 我的名字是Catherine,但是你可以叫我Cathy
Do you go by Alexander or Alex? 你希望大家叫你Alexander还是Alex?
如此简单的come和go, 原来还有大用处!
或者你想与大家分享什么come和go的短语呢?Come and tell us!