Why are you always gone?
Why are you always here?
If we were meant to stay in one place we would have roots instead of feet.
Fortune-telling 擲筊(更正中文發音:JIAO,像“交”)
“Bwa-bway"(Taiwanese)is a traditional Taoist ritual. The means of doing it are fairly simple: just throw two halt-moon shaped pieces of wood as you ask a question to the god.
The bwa-bway set is considered a communication tool from the god. Both half-moon shaped pieces are red and have one flat side. The way they land determines the god's answer.
聖筊 Saint throw: If one piece lands with the flat side up and one with the flat side
down, the god is saying yes to your question.
笑筊 Laughing throw: A combination of two flat sides facing up indicates the question was not clearly asked or the answer is obvious in the heart of the inquirer so asking the god is unnecessary because one already knows the answer.
陰筊 Lunar throw: A combination of both pieces landing flat side down gives a "no" answer to your question.
**摘自《用英語遊Taipei》p47 寂天出版社
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