WFH = work from home 在家工作
H.O.P.E 希望這四個字母代表:
Hold on. 等一等。
Pain ends. 痛苦就會結束了。
This feeling won't last forever. 這感覺不會永遠都在。
Thoughts and emotions aren't facts. 想法和情緒都不是現實狀況。
3. I can feel anxious and still handle this. 我感到焦慮但是我能夠處理。
4. My bravery is stronger than my fear. 我的膽子比我的恐懼還要更強大。
5. I am safe right now. 我現在是安全的。
6. Anxiety is reminding me to slow down my breathing. 焦慮是在提醒我去放慢我的呼吸。
7. I’ve survived other tough times before, and I will be resilient this time, too. 我已經從其他艱難的時刻活過來,我一定也會也立刻恢復好狀態的。
8. This feeling is a normal reaction. I will use my coping tools to respond with thoughtfulness and self-compassion. 這個感覺是一個正常的反應。我會替自己設想和給自己同情的工具來回應這些感覺。
9. I don’t have to figure this all out right now; I will trust the process. 我不需要現在就把這些想清楚;我相信這個過程。
10. Thank you anxiety for always trying to look out for me, but it’s okay now; I got this! 謝謝焦慮感一直在看護著我,現在我沒關係了。我可以的!
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