1. Expression:be on one’s high horse
Explanation:Having an attitude of condescending moral superiority. (在道德上有居高临下的优越感的态度,趾高气昂)
Example:Since Bob was elected president of the club, he's been up on his high horse, ordering the rest of us around as if we were his personal servants.
My sister was a troublemaker as a teenager, yet she's always on her high horse lecturing me about my life choices.
The radio host is known for climbing on his high horse when talking to listeners and guests about the importance of family values.
2. Expression:change horses in the midsteam
Explanation:To choose a new leader during a period of upheaval or uncertainty. (在动荡的时期更换领导,临阵换马)
Example:The prime minister has been at the helm throughout the crisis. I just don't think we should change horses in midstream.
I may have made a few mistakes in the last four years. but, my friends, let me tell you this——with the economy in bad shape, this is no time to change horses in the midstream.
I kind of like this new man because he has some fresh ideas. But I guess I'll vote for the old guy who has the job now. Somehow, I just don't like to change horses in the midstream.