1. 原味表述:have a crush on somebody
解析:To have a romantic infatuation with someone, especially unbeknownst to that person. (迷恋某人)
例句:I'm going to dinner with this girl I have a crush on.
Did she ever tell him she used to have a crush on his brother?
2. 原味表述:fall for someone
解析:To become completely infatuated with someone; to fall in love with someone.(完全迷恋某人,爱上某人)
例句:The moment I met my wife, I fell for her completely.
It 'll do you no good to fall for Mary .
3. 原味表述:have it bad for someone
解析:have意指有,it意指恋情,bad意指相恋程度深过了头;to have it bad for someone系指对某人眷恋得不可收拾,喻指对某人情真意切而不能自拔。
例句:Jim confessed that he had it bad for Lucy, and, worst of all, he couldn't help thinking of her all day long.
4. 原味表述:head over heels in love with someone
解析:To be in love with someone very much.(为某人神魂颠倒,沉溺于情海)
例句:——You look like a million dollars today. See the guy over there? He is totally checking you out! I think he is head over heels in love with you.
——You don't say! Stop pulling my leg, okay? Anyway, he is not my cup of tea.