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面试英语口语脱口而出 第3期:网上投递简历

编辑:emma   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 1.Can you tell me how to apply for a job on the Internet?
  • 你能告诉我怎么在网上找工作吗?
  • 2.How do I know if there is a vacancy in a company?
  • 我怎么知道一个公司有没有职位空缺呢?
  • 3.How did you know about this position?
  • 你是怎么知道这个职位的?
  • 4.You just need to send an application.
  • 发封求职信就行了。
  • 5.You are expected to know the e-mail address of the company.
  • 你得知道公司的电子邮箱。
  • 6.View the home page of the company, and see if they are in need of staff.
  • 浏览公司网站主页,看看有没有人才需求。
  • 7.It will be safe if you log on some formal websites.
  • 只要登录的是正规网站,就不会有危险。
  • 8.You can e-mail your application materials to the websites for enrollment in their database.
  • 把你的求职资料通过电子邮件发给报名网站,加人他们的人才库。
  • 9.I will give it a try.
  • 我会试试的。
  • 10.You are the leading company in IT industry and one of the most profitable enterprises of the year in this field.
  • 贵公司是IT界的领跑者,也是今年IT行业盈利最多的企业。
  • Dialogue 1 Can you tell me how to apply for a job on the Internet?
  • 你能告诉我怎么在网上求职吗?
  • You just need to send an application.
  • 发封求职信就行了。
  • Do I have to send one by e-mail?
  • 非得用电子邮件吗?
  • Yes. You are expected to know the e-mail address of the company.
  • 是的。你得知道公司的电子邮箱。
  • Dialogue 2 How do I know if there is a vacancy in a company?
  • 怎么才能知道一个公司有没W职 位空缺呢?
  • Easy. View the home page of the company, and see if they need staff. Many websites offer two-way service, such as job-hunting and talent hunting.
  • 很简单。浏览公司网站主页,看 看有没有人才需求。很多网站提 供求职和猎头双向服务。
  • Which websites are most popular?
  • 哪个网站比较火呢?
  • 21st Talent Website, 51 Job, and Zhao- pin. com are most popular.
  • 21世纪人才网、前程百忧网和 智联招聘网是最受欢迎的。


1.Can you tell me how to apply for a job on the Internet?

2.How do I know if there is a vacancy in a company?
3.How did you know about this position?
4.You just need to send an application.
5.You are expected to know the e-mail address of the company.
6.View the home page of the company, and see if they are in need of staff.
7.It will be safe if you log on some formal websites.
8.You can e-mail your application materials to the websites for enrollment in their database.
9.I will give it a try.
10.You are the leading company in IT industry and one of the most profitable enterprises of the year in this field.
Dialogue 1
A: Can you tell me how to apply for a job on the Internet?
A: 你能告诉我怎么在网上求职吗?
B: You just need to send an application.
B: 发封求职信就行了。
A: Do I have to send one by e-mail?
A: 非得用电子邮件吗?
B: Yes. You arc expected to know the e-mail address of the company.
B: 是的。你得知道公司的电子邮箱。
Dialogue 2
A: How do I know if there is a vacancy in a conpany?
A: 怎么才能知道一个公司有没W职 位空缺呢?
B: Easy. View the home page of the companyand see if they need stafi. Many websites offer two-way service, such as job-hunting and talent hunting.
B: 很简单。浏览公司网站主页,看看有没有人才需求。很多网站提供求职和猎头双向服务。
A: Which websites are most popular?
A: 哪个网站比较火呢?
B: 21st Talent Website, 51 Joband Zhao- pin. com are most popular.
B: 21世纪人才网、前程百忧网和 智联招聘网是最受欢迎的。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

application [.æpli'keiʃən]


n. 应用; 申请; 专心
n. 应用软件程序

profitable ['prɔfitəbl]


adj. 有益的,有用的

popular ['pɔpjulə]


adj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的





