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- Have you ever been fired?
- 你曾经被解雇过吗?
- Yes, ABC Manufacturing was acquired by World Manufacturing, all the managers and executives who did not speak English were let go.
- 是的,当ABC制造公司被World制造公司收购的时候,不会说英语的经理和业务主管都被解雇了。
- Back then I did not speak English.
- 当时,我还不会说英语,
- After that experience, I took some English classes in the evening and here I am interviewing in English.
- 有了那次经历,我开始在夜校上英语课,现在已经可以在这里用英语进行面试了。
Have you ever been fired?
Yes,ABC Manufacturing was acquired by World Manufacturing,all the managers and executives who did not speak English were let go.
Back then I did not speak English.
After that experience,I took some English classes in the evening and here I am interviewing in English.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/kouyu/201310/259587.shtml