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  • Consulting with Colleagues
  • 工作交流
  • Can you do me a favor?
  • 你能帮我个忙吗?
  • Hi,Lisa,can you do me a favor?
  • I need to call Brian in the Business Department.Where can I find his office number?
  • dial the extension
  • 拨打分机
  • I've found Brian?s office number — 1234.That's weird.Only four digits.
  • OK.You see,all the phone numbers in this company start with 8611.
  • As that's an inside connection you are about to make,you need only to dial the extension 1234.
  • Lisa,how can I make outside connections?
  • Then dial the number you want.
  • Excuse me,Mark,how can I log on my OA account?
  • The initial password is 111111.You can change it after you log on.
  • Mr.Smith,I was wondering if you could help me with something.
  • Could you kindly translate this letter into French for me?
  • give me a little help with...
  • 帮我看看…
  • Rose,are you free now?
  • Please finish the job at hand,then could you come over and give me a little help with my report?
  • You are my savior!
  • 你是我的救星!
  • What's wrong with your report?
  • Oh,you're lucky.I've just got the numbers from John.Here,take this.
  • sign in the visitor's book
  • 在来访本上登记
  • This is our factory.
  • Now you have to put on this badge for safety.And would you sign in the visitor's book please?
  • How large is the plant?
  • 工厂面积多大?
  • Hi,Howard,I wonder if you can tell me something about our plant.
  • How large is the plant?
  • 10th anniversary
  • 10周年庆典
  • The plant is much larger than I expected.
  • When was it set up?
  • We are running on three shifts.
  • 我们实行三班倒工作制。
  • With such a big plant,we must have many employees.
  • It's very advanced at present.
  • 这在目前非常先进。
  • Here,is this our new production line?
  • It's very advanced at present.
  • It's a security requirement.= It's for your safety.
  • 这是出于安全的要求。
  • Could you stand back a little bit please?
  • Nothing.It's a security requirement not to touch the machine.
  • You are going to have to redo/revise this planning.
  • 这个计划书你必须重做一遍。
  • I'm sorry,Mr.Zhang.But you are going to have to redo this planning.
  • I'm sorry,Ms.Brown.I'll rework it.Thanks for your suggestion.


工作交流 Consulting with Colleagues
Can you do me a favor? 你能帮个忙吗?
A: Hi,Lisa,can you do me a favor?
B: Sure.What's the matter?
A: I need to call Brian in the Business Department.Where can I find his office number?
B: Ah,you can find that in the company's telephone directory.Here you are.
dial the extension 拨打分机
A: I've found Brian?s office number — 1234.That's weird.Only four digits.
Can you tell me how to dial the number?
B: OK.You see,all the phone numbers in this company start with 8611.
So Brian's number is actually 86111234.
As that's an inside connection you are about to make,you need only to dial the extension 1234.
make outside connections 拨打外线电话
A: Lisa,how can I make outside connections?
B: Oh,you need to dial 0 first.Wait for a moment until you hear the long beep.
Then dial the number you want.
log on/in OA account 登陆办公账号
A: Excuse me,Mark,how can I log on my OA account?
B: That's easy.Your user name is your given name.
The initial password is 111111.You can change it after you log on.
Could you help me? 你能帮忙吗?
A: Mr.Smith,I was wondering if you could help me with something.
B: What can I do for you?
A: Could you kindly translate this letter into French for me?
B: No problem.Hope it's not too difficult.
give me a little help with... 帮我看看......
A: Rose,are you free now?
B: Give me 5 minutes.I'll finish off my work on the computer.
A: Please finish the job at hand,then could you come over and give me a little help with my report?
B: Sure,I'd love to.
You are my savior! 你是我的救星!
A: What's wrong with your report?
B: It seems I cannot do without the company's budget for this year.Where can I get the statistics?
A: Oh,you're lucky.I've just got the numbers from John.Here,take this.
B: Thank you.You are my savior!
sign in the visitor's book 在来访本上登记
A: This is our factory.
B: Wow,it's huge!
A: Now you have to put on this badge for safety. And would you sign in the visitor's book, please?
B: Yes,of course.
How large is the plant? 工厂的面积多大?
A: Hi,Howard,I wonder if you can tell me something about our plant.
B: Sure.What do you want to know?
A: How large is the plant?
B: It covers an area of 75,000 square meters.
10th anniversary 10周年庆典
A: The plant is much larger than I expected.
B: Is it?
A: When was it set up?
B: In the late 90s.We'll soon be celebrating our 10th anniversary.
We are running on three shifts. 我们实行三班倒工作制。
A: With such a big plant,we must have many employees.
B: That's true.About five hundred.We are running on three shifts.
这在目前非常先进。It's very advanced at present.
A: Here,is this our new production line?
B: Yes,it is.
A: It's very advanced at present.
B: Thank you.I'm afraid you'll have to wear an overall.It's a hygienic requirement.
It's a security requirement.=It's for your safety. 这是出于安全的要求。
A: Could you stand back a little bit please?
B: Why? What's wrong?
A: Nothing.It's a security requirement not to touch the machine.
B: Oh,I'm sorry.
You are going to have to redo/revise this planning. 这个计划书你必须重做一遍。
A: I'm sorry,Mr.Zhang.But you are going to have to redo this planning.
It's badly organized.I can't present this to the general manager.
B: I'm sorry,Ms.Brown.I'll rework it.Thanks for your suggestion.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
badge [bædʒ]


n. 徽章,标记,正章,象征
vt. 授给 .

wander ['wɔndə]


vi. 徘徊,漫步,闲逛,迷路,蜿蜒

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券

advanced [əd'vɑ:nst]


adj. 高级的,先进的

initial [i'niʃəl]


n. (词)首字母
adj. 开始的,最初的,

organized ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

employee [.emplɔi'i:]


n. 雇员

budget ['bʌdʒit]


n. 预算
vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算

perform [pə'fɔ:m]


v. 执行,运转,举行,表演

astonishment [əs'tɔniʃmənt]


n. 惊讶,令人惊讶的事





