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纯正地道美语 第239期(外教讲解):工作经历

来源:Englishpod 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Mr. Parsons: Okay, now I’d like to find out more about your last job. I see you spent almost four years at the London Weekly , is that right?

Rebecca:Yes, that’s right. To be honest, the first year was quite tough for me. I was really just treated more like an intern. I didn’t have many responsibilities and I found it quite frustrating.

Mr. Parsons: So, what changed?

Rebecca:Well slowly but surely I proved myself, and the new editor liked me so he promoted me to features writer.

Mr. Parsons: Wow, a real step up!

Rebecca:Yes, I was responsible for restaurant and food reviews mostly. I spent restaurant years in that position, but to be honest it wasn’t an area of journalism I wanted to stay in long-term.

Mr. Parsons: I see, so why did you decide to leave finally?

Rebecca:I just felt that the paper couldn’t offer me any new opportunities. I really needed a more challenging role to be honest.




