1.Hoax:骗局,恶作剧.愚人节如果有人设计捉弄你,那就是一个hoax.意思相似的说法还有"practical joke(恶作剧,作弄人的把戏)".
2.Strap: 用带子系(或捆、扎、扣)好.询问别人安全带有没有系好,就可以说"Are you strapped in?"
He strapped the knife to his leg. 他把刀绑到腿上.
3.Hang by a thread/hair:悬在一根线/头发上,比喻千钧一发,岌岌可危,随时会有危险.
After the operation, his life hung by a thread for several hours. 手术后好几个小时他都处在生死边缘.
The future of this company hangs by a thread. Unless we get two or three big orders by the end of the month, we're finished. 公司的前途岌岌可危,要是月底前拿不到两三个大订单,我们就完了.
面临风险,岌岌可危在英语里还有一种说法,就是"be on the line".
If we don't make a profit, my job is on the line. 我们要是赚不了钱,我就有失业的危险.
If I don't get enough contracts this month, my job will be on the line. 如果这个月我签不到足够的合同,我的工作久就保不住了.
By making such an unusual film, he has really put his reputation on the line. 制作这样一部另类的电影,他真是在拿自己的名誉冒险.
4.Take off:最常见的意思是指飞机起飞,也可以指人离开,通常含有"突然,意想不到"的意味.对话中那句"your sister takes off with her history teacher"的意思就是指,你妹妹和她的历史老师私奔了.