n. 牙科医生
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A: what's up?
W: not much. I'm just trying to hook up to the internet. I'm having a few problems though.
A: what's wrong?
W: I've got all the cords plugged in, but it appears that I'm offline.
A: Are you using dial-up or broadband?
W: actually, I've got a wireless connection.
A: In that case, you need to turn on your airport.
W: I hook up to the Internet every day. I can't believe I didn't do that.
A: do you like ever chat online?
W: No, but I'd like to. Do you have to pay to do instant messaging?
A: Oh, no. You can regsiter for free. Just go to the yahoo website and it will tell you how to do it.
W: what do you do if people want to talk to you online but you don't want to talk to them?
A: well, you can always block them. When I don't feel like talking to certain people online, that's what I do.
W: what's your email address? I'll add you to my contacts list.
A: it's aubreyinchina@yahoo.com.
W: cool. We can meet up in a chat room sometime or just chat online using messenger.
A: don't mention it.
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