173. 他老爱吹牛,一点也不可信。
[误] He is always blowing the bull up and is not reliable at all.
[正] He is always talking big and is not reliable at all.
注:将“吹牛”翻译成“把一头牛吹起来”的人可能并不多,但不知如何翻译的人也许不在少数。现在你知道了吗? talk big 就是“吹牛”的地道说法。
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173. 他老爱吹牛,一点也不可信。
[误] He is always blowing the bull up and is not reliable at all.
[正] He is always talking big and is not reliable at all.
注:将“吹牛”翻译成“把一头牛吹起来”的人可能并不多,但不知如何翻译的人也许不在少数。现在你知道了吗? talk big 就是“吹牛”的地道说法。