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初级美语 Lesson 7:Getting Acquainted 结识他人

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Conversation : At the Coffee Shop?

MARTIN: Hi, Stefan. Please sit down.?
STEFAN: Hello, Mr Learner.?
MARTIN: Oh, please call me Martin. OK??
STEFAN: Martin. OK.?
WAITRESS: Morning. What're yu gonna have??
MARTIN: Two coffees, please.?
WAITRESS: That's it!? OK.?
STEFAN: What did she say??
MARTIN: She said,” What are you going to have?” What’re yu gonna have? What are you going to have??
STEFAN: Ah. What are you going to have? Sometimes, I do not understand waiters?
MARTIN: Sometimes, I do not understand!?
WAITRESS: Here y'are. Two coffees.?
MARTIN: Thanks. She said,“Here you are”.?
STEFAN: I understand.?
MARTIN: Stefan, I'm writing a news report. It’s going to be about students in the US and I want to write about you.
STEFAN: You are going to write about me!? OK.?
MARTIN: Good. May I record you on this tape recorder??
STEFAN: Yes, sure.?
MARTIN: First, tell me your full name.?
STEFAN: My name is Stefan Nowak(Novak)?
MARTIN: I want to get it right. Please spell it for me.?
MARTIN: Where are you from??
STEFAN: I am from Poland.?
MARTIN: I know you're from Poland. What city are you from? Warsaw??
STEFAN: No, I'm not from Warsaw. I am from Cracow. Where are you from??
MARTIN: I'm from Chicago. But I live in Baltimore now.?
STEFAN: I lived in Warsaw, too.?
MARTIN: Before I lived in Baltimore, I lived in many cities. I lived in Washington, San Francisco, Paris and Berlin.?
STEFAN: That's many places!?
MARTIN: Well, I write news stories and reports. Reporters go where there is news.
WAITRESS: More coffee??
MARTIN: Yes, please.?
STEFAN: Thank you. Excuse me, where are you from??
STEFAN: Where??
WAITRESS: Here. I'm from Baltimore. Where're you from??
STEFAN: I live in Baltimore.?
WAITRESS: I lived in Florida last year. I lived in California. I lived in Texas. I lived in Ohin, New York, Washington...?

Practice 1:当我们想知道对方从哪里来或是哪国人时,我们通常问 Where are you from? 你是哪儿的人?回答是 I'm from... 我是……的人。?
Examples: MARTIN: Where are you from??
STEFAN: I'm from Poland.?
MARTIN: What city are you from??
STEFAN: I'm from Cracow. Where are you from??
MARTIN: I'm from Chicago.?

Practice 2: 我们想知道对方住在哪儿时,通常这样问:Where do you live? 你现在住哪儿?回答是:I live in/ at... 我住在…… Where do you live? 是问现在的住址。回答时通常需明确指出城市、街道、门牌号码。Where are you from? 是问对方的籍贯。回答只需说出国家或者城市名。?
Examples:?MARTIN: Where do you live??
STEFAN: I live in Baltimore.?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话





