a thank-you letter 感谢信
a letter of recommendation 推荐信
a love letter 情书
a suicide letter 绝命书
a “Dear John” letter 绝交信(女孩子给男孩子)
letter of condolence 唁函
letter of confirmation 确认信
to go west 归西
to pass away 谢世(常用)
to die a martyr 牺牲
to rest in peace 安息
to end one’s days 寿终正寝
to commit suicide 自杀
to kick the bucket 民间说法:蹬腿
to abandon the world 撒手人寰
to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘
to come to a violent death 暴毙
to depart to the world of shadows 命赴黄泉
to release the souls from suffering 超度、解脱
to return to dust 入土
return to dust: 与基督教文化有关
fig leaf:遮羞布
Adam’s apple:男性的喉结
You came from dust and to dust you shall return. 来自尘土、归于尘土。
original sin:原罪
如:insecticide 杀虫剂, pesticide 杀虫剂, herbicide 初草剂, genocide 种族屠杀, homicide 杀人, matricide 弑母, patricide 弑父 , regal君王 君主 , regicide 弑君
commit no nuisance 请勿在此大小便
restroom 厕所
faculty lounge 教室休息室
bathroom commode 厕所(委婉的表达厕所之意)
Baptist Church 洗礼会教堂