All crows under Heaven are equally black, and this Fills me with fear, they have so many Relatives, their numbers are legion, they're hard to resist
天下乌鸦一般黑 我感到胆怯,它们有如此多的亲戚,它们人多势众,难以抗拒
But we're indispensable, we three sisters Slim and graceful, we glide to and fro Looking like sure winners But I mean to make mischief, I'm cruel at heart Keeping up a good daughter's sweet-tempered appearance My footsteps retrace my daily defeats
我们却必不可少,我们姐妹四人 我们是黑色房间里的圈套 亭亭玉立,来回踱步 胜券在握的模样 我却有使坏,内心刻薄 表面保持当女儿的好脾气 重蹈每天的失败
Awaiting proposals in our boudoirs, we're fair maids of good family We smile resentfully, racking our brains For ways to augment our charms Youthful, beautiful, like fires ablaze Seared black, these single-minded snares (Which of these good men with well-sharpened teeth, an unwavering gaze And steady expression will be my brother-in-law?)
待字闺中,我们是名门淑女 悻悻地微笑,挖空心思 使自己变得多姿多彩 年轻、美貌,如火如荼 炮制很黑,很专心的圈套 (那些越过边境、精心策划的人 牙齿磨利、眼光笔直的好人 毫无起伏的面容是我的姐夫?)
I sense Our chamber is beset on all sides In the night, both cats and mice have awakened We go to sleep, and search in our dreams for unknown house-numbers In the night, we women are like ripe melons about to fall from the vine Conjugal bliss, et cetera We three sisters, different with each new day Marriage, still at the crux of finding a mate Lights in the bedroom fill the newlyweds with disappointment Risk it all on one throw, I tell myself "Home is the place we leave"
在夜晚,我感到我们的房间危机四伏 猫和老鼠都醒着 我们去睡,在梦中寻找陌生的门牌号码,在夜晚 我们是瓜熟蒂落的女人 颠鸾倒凤,如此等等 我们姐妹四人,我们日新月异 婚姻,依然是择偶的中心 卧室的光线使新婚夫妇沮丧 孤注一掷,我对自己说 家是出发的地方