If you were asked "Do you know your age?" You might feel being intruded. But listen, the question is: Do "you" know "your age"?
The question doesn't seem to need an answer. Is there anyone who doesn't know his or her own age? The next question may be even more puzzling: "How many ages do you have?"
Sure, everyone was born with an age, but that's only part of the question. Socio-psychologists tell us everyone has three ages—biological age, psychological age and social age, each with different connotations.
Of the three ages, apart from the first one, the other two one can have, to a large degree, discretionarily. The so-called "psychological age" refers to the notion of subjective awareness about self-mentality and the ability to adapt to a changing environment. "Social age", on the other hand, is sensed and judged by others to perform a certain social role of that age. These three ages can be overlapped or torn apart and, the discrepancies among them may be as large as twenty, thirty years, or even more, according to some research.
The last two ages, in particular, are highly subjective and even "manageable". A good friend of mine, a well-known senior writer, once told me that his age had "stalled" at thirty-two and seemed to have never progressed with his writing of all those years. Some of my other friends, however, though young, are heavy-hearted and old for their ages.
In reality, psychological age and social age may in turn affect one's biological age, even one's life in a more significant way. As the saying goes, "people are rejuvenated by high aspiration and aged by disheartenments".
Believe or not, in the end, life always rewards active participants.