新能源车 new energy vehicles
社会心理底线 "psychological bottom line" of society
城际快速铁路 inter-city express railway
申办冬季奥运会 launch a bid to host the Winter Olympic Games
权钱交易 power-for-money deal
提升核心竞争力 boost core competitiveness
旗帜鲜明反对各种形式的保护主义 take a clear-cut stand against all forms of protectionism
住房资源分配 housing resources distribution
市场化改革 market-oriented reform
保障房供给不足 insufficient affordable housing
微型企业 micro-sized enterprises
创新型企业 innovative enterprises
蓬勃发展势头 robust growth momentum
实现跳跃性发展 make a leap forward .
央企 centrally-administered state-owned companies
confrontational feelings 对立情绪
cooperation in nontraditional areas 非传统领域合作
shared/common interests 共同利益
territorial dispute 领土争端
weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器
austerity measures 紧缩措施
the US Senate 美国参议院
Reuters 路透社
notary office 公证处
Independent innovation 自主创新
ghost estate 幽灵资产
Chinglish 中式英语
Academic translation 学术翻译
credit facilities 信用便利
debt limit 债务限额
中国高铁CRH(China Railway High-Speed)
联合国宪章UNC(United Nations Chater)
东京证券交易所TSE(Tokyo Stock Exchange))
联合国经济合作行动计划署UNAPEC(United Nations Action Program for Economic Cooperation)
英语水平测试EPT(English Proficiency Test)