化解国有企业历史债务 ease the long-standing debt of SOEs
国有企业 state-owned enterprises
盲目投资 haphazard investment
政策性亏损 policy mandated looses
朝阳产业/夕阳产业sunrise/sunset industry
即兴消费 immediate consumption
全面的经济计划 all-inclusive economic plan
一条龙服务 all-in-one package
特约经销商 exclusive distributor
包容性增长 inclusive growth
年均增长率 annual average growth rate
城乡差距 rural-urban divide
贫困线 poverty line
双赢 win-win/double win
高端设备制造 high-end equipment manufacturing
natural landscape(scenery) 自然风景
natural spa 天然水疗中心
newly introduced entertainment in the tourist site 最新引入景区的游乐项目
observation deck 观光台
read through safety instructions 细读安全须知
pirated film/theatre of the absurd 盗版片/荒诞剧
plastic arts 造型艺术
pop arts 大众艺术
popular media 大众媒体
portrait painting 肖像绘画
citizen treatment 国民待遇
cold war mentality 冷战思维
commercial attache 商务专员
commercial secretary 商务参赞
commit troops to 承诺派军
欧洲经济合作委员会CEEC(Committee of Europe Economic Coorperation)
欧洲经济合作协定CEECO(Convention of European Econimc Cooperation)
中国外汇管理局CFECA(China Foreign Exchange Control Administration)
美国期货商品委员会CFTC(Commodity Futures Trading Commission)
中国海关总署 CGAC(Custom General Administration of China)