民主权利 democratic rights
民主协商 democratic consultation
民族地区 regions inhabited by ethnic groups
年度国家预算 annual state budget
扭转收入差距扩大的趋势 reverse the widening inconel gap
旗帜鲜明地反对民族分裂 take a clear-cut stand against attempts to split the nation
全国各族人民 people of all ethnic groups
全国人大代表 deputy to the National People's Congress
全国人民代表大会主席团 NPC Presidium
全国政协委员 member of the national committee of the CPPCC
人民团体 mass organizations
日益增长的物质文化需求 growing material and cultural needs
软环境 soft environment
“三个代表”重要思想 the important thought of Three represents
Senate seats 参议院席位
shared/common prosperity 共同繁荣
shared security 共同安全
share weal and woe 休戚与共
specific appropriation of public money 公款的拨用
State of the Union Address 国情咨文
strategic and economic dialogue 战略与经济对话
strategic withdrawal 战略撤退
straw poll 测验民意的投票;(大选前)意向性投票
suicide bombing 自杀性爆炸袭击
summit talks 最高级会谈;首脑会议
swing voter 摇摆选民
terrorist attack 恐怖袭击
Third World 第三世界
threat of force 武力威胁
粮农组织FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization)
中小型企业SME(Small and Medium Enterprises)
万国邮政联盟UPU(Universal Postal Union)
企业到用户的电子商务模式B2C(Business to Customer)
自由度DOF(Degree of Freedom)