创新驱动发展战略 innovation-based development strategies
网络环境 online environment
网络身份 online identity
雾霾天 hazy days
空气污染指数 air pollution index
单双号限行规定 an odd-and-even license plate rule
开放兼容 open and receptive
抗洪救灾 fight floods and provide relief
科教兴国战略 the strategy of invigorating China through the development of science and education
科学发展观 scientific outlook on development
科学技术进步 scientific and technological progress
可持续发展战略 the strategy of sustainable development
廉政准则 code of ethics
两岸关系 cross-straits relations
零基预算制度 a zero-base budgeting system
民主监督 democratic supervision
public debt 公债
public funding 公共资助
puppet regime 傀儡政权
racial divisions 种族分划
radical group 激进组织
raising money 筹款/募款
red states 红州(支持共和党的州)
regional turmoil 地区动荡
regular elections 定期选举
relief operations 救济行动
relief supply 救灾物资
return to power 重新执政
riding high in opinion polls 民调支持率
running rate 竞选伙伴
英国国民健康保险制度NHS(National Health Service)
普通开业医生GP(general practitioner)
国民福利指标NNW(Net National Welfare)
国际足球联盟FIFA(Federation Internationale de Football Association)
首席运营官COO(Chief Operating Officer)
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