Do You Know Asiatic Lions?
Well, most people think that lions only come from Africa. And you would be forgiven for thinking this, because in fact most lions do come from Africa. But this hasn’t always been the case. If we go back ten thousand years we would find that there were lions roaming vast sections of the globe.But now,unfortunately, only very small sections of the lions’ former habitat remain.
大多数人认为狮子都是来自非洲 。如果你这样想,也没错 。因为事实上的确如此 。但是情况也并非一直都是如此如果时光倒退到一万年前,我们会发现,全球大部分地区都有狮子的身影 。然而悲剧的是,狮子的原栖息地现在只剩下极少一部分 。
be the case:情况属实 eg:But this may not be the case.但实际情况可能不是这样 。
My particular interest is Asiatic lions, which are a sub-species of African lions. It’s almost a hundred thousand years since the Asiatic lions split off and developed as a sub-species. At one time the Asiatic lion was living as far west as Greece and they were found from there, in a band that spread east through various countries of the Middle East, all the way to India. In museums, you can now see Greek coins that have clear images of the Asiatic lion on them. Most of them are dated at around 500 B.C. However, Europe saw its last Asiatic lion roaming free two thousand years ago. Over the next nineteen hundred years the numbers of Asiatic nions in the other areas declined steadily, but it was only in the nineteenth century that they disappeared from everywhere but India.
我对亚洲狮特别感兴趣 。它们是非洲狮的亚种 。约十万年前,亚洲狮从非洲狮中分离出去,并发展成为其亚种之一 。亚洲狮曾经生活在遥远的西方——希腊 。人们发现,它们从希腊开始,成群地往东边扩散,穿越多个中东国家,来到印度 。如今在博物馆里,你会看到有清晰亚洲狮图案的希腊钱币 。它们中的大部分都能追溯到公元前500年左右 。然而,距最后一只亚洲狮活跃在欧洲大陆,已是2000年前的事了 。在接下来的一千九百年里,亚洲狮在其它地区的数量一直稳步下降 。但是直到19世纪,它们才从印度以外的其它地方彻底消失 。
split off:(使)分离;(使)分裂:to split off a new combination 把一种新化合物分离
At one time:曾(一度) eg:They had based on Greenland at one time.他们曾在格林兰岛上建立基地 。
So, how can you tell an Asiatic lion from an African lion, with which you’re probably more familiar? Well, in general, Asiatic lions are not as big as African lions. The color is more or less the same, but the appearance of the mane is different – that’s the hair around the lion’s face and neck. The Asiatic lion’s mane is noticeably shorter than the African lion's.Asiatic lions also have a long fold of skin on their undersides,whereas not many African lions have this.
那么,对你来说,如何才能从约为熟悉的非洲狮中识别出亚洲狮呢?通常,亚洲狮的体型没有非洲狮那样大 。虽然它们的颜色差不多是一样的,但是他们脸部和颈部的鬃毛,外观却有所不同 。亚洲狮的鬃毛比非洲狮的鬃毛明显要短 。亚洲狮的腹部有长长的皱褶,但是大部分非洲狮没有 。
“识别出”的表达多种多样,如: recognise\identify\distinguish from\make out\tell from 如果要表示从A中识别出B,可试着多用tell A from B 。tell 这个词不仅仅有告诉的意思,还有一个意思就是"辨别"Can you tell the differences between the twins? Although he is five, he can tell the time.所以,在搭配tell ... from 中,tell 取这个词义,为区分a和b eg:Can you tell an ox from a cow? 你分得出公牛和母牛吗?
词语是英译汉的最小单位,词语翻译的优劣是衡量译文质量的基本要素 。英汉两种语言中都有一词多义和一词多类的现象,而辞典汉语释义又未必与英文意思完全对等,这就为准确、贴切的译词带来了困难 。选择词义时,应根据上下文确定词义,表达词义时则要考虑词与词的搭配,注意词的褒贬、轻重 。现分述如下:
要确定某个词的基本意义,必须放在上下文的语言环境中,考虑其词类、逻辑关系甚至是单复数形式 。如:
例1:Like charges repel.
Like即可作介词、动词,又可做形容词 。此句可译为“电荷同性相斥 。”
例2:According to the new school of scientists,technology is an overlooked force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge.
School 有“学校”、“学派”、“鱼群”等若干意义,但根据文章上下文和逻辑联系,这里只能选择“学派” 。
例3:After their interview,he compares not their experience,but their statistics.
Experience 作不可数名词用时,意为“经验”;作可数名词用时,意为“经历” 。此处宜译为“经验” 。
英汉两种语言在长期使用中,形成了各自常用的固定词组和常见搭配,如果把英语中有些词的搭配原封不动的译成汉语,就会出问题 。如:
例4:Capitalism cannot cure itself of its destructive internal contradiction.
直译:资本主义医治不了它本身的毁灭性的内在的矛盾cure”一般译为“医治” 。但“医治”与“矛盾”搭配不当 。翻译时需要根据中文的习惯改为“消除” 。 。“
例5:He halted in the district where by night are found the lightest street,hearts,vows and librettos.
译文1:他到了一个市区才停步,在那里晚上有最轻的街道,最轻的心情,最轻的盟誓和最轻的歌曲 。
译文2:他到了一个市区才停步,在那里晚上有最明亮的街道,最愉快的心情,最轻易出口的盟誓和最轻松的歌曲 。
译文1中有几个偏正词组显然不搭配,而译文2按照汉语的表达习惯,对原文进行了一些调整,译文贴切地道 。
例6:Thackeray的《名利场》中有一句话:……who is a good Christian,a good parent,child,wife or husband……杨必译为:“……真的是虔诚的教徒,慈爱的父母,孝顺的儿女,贤良的妻子,尽职的丈夫……”Good与不同的的名词搭配译成不同的形容词,译得很活 。如果将good 一律译为“好”:好教徒、好父母、好儿女、好妻子、好丈夫,语言显得苍白无力 。
词义有感情色彩和语体色彩的不同 。选择和表达词义时,应正确理解原词和译出词的含义及其色彩 。
例7:(1)The enemy’s scharge went bankrupt.
(2) We have mapped out a scheme.
Scheme在这两句话中有不同的感情色彩和褒贬含义,应分别译为“阴谋”、“计划” 。
另外,英译汉时,我们常常会遇到这样的情况:有些词在辞典上找不到适当的词义,如果照搬硬译,会使译文生涩难懂,甚至与原文相悖,造成误解 。此时应在理解该词原义的基础上,结合语篇意思,加以引申,选择最为贴切的汉语词语来表达 。
例8:She sailed into the room.她仪态万方地走进屋子 。
例9:The Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing.对大多数游览北京的外国游客来说,长城是必不可少的参观项目 。
例8是把词义作抽象化的引申,而例9是把词义作具体化的引申 。但无论怎样引申,都应立足于原词的基本含义 。
综上所述,英译汉时,只有依据原文特定的语言环境,根据上下文逻辑关系、文体风格和搭配习惯,充分考虑英汉语言的差异,才能在许多不同的词义中选出最确切的词义,并作出符合汉语习惯的表达 。