协调发展 coordinated development
性别平等 gender equality
学龄儿童入学率 school-age children enrollment rate
烟花爆竹 fireworks and firecracker
一对夫妇只生一个孩子 one child per couple
一条具有本国特色的综合治理人口问题的道路 an integrated approach to the population issue with its own national characteristics
医疗保险 health insurance
医疗改革 medical reform
依法拆迁 lawful housing demolition and relocation
以人为本 put people first
蚁族 ant tribe
意外伤害保险 casualty accident insurance
意外伤亡保险 accident and death benefit insurance
应急预案 emergence plans
优抚安置 special care for disabled ex-servicemen and family members of revolutionary martyrs
育龄妇女 women of childbearing age
灾害救助 natural disaster relief
再就业服务 reemployment service
再就业培训 reemployment training
早婚早育 early marriage, early childbirth
增加电煤供给 increase the supply of coal for power generation
职业指导 job guidance
中央财政 the central finance
重大安全隐患 major source of hidden danger
自然增长率 natural growth rate
最低工资制度 minimum wage system
最低生活保障制度 minimum living standard security system