instinct-intention An insular board member
"We have every intention of using this insulator to increase market share. "
"我们彻底打算 用这种绝缘体提高市场 份额, "
The manufacturer said to his board. "When we release this product onto the market
制造商对董事会说, "我们向市场投放这 种产品时,
it will intensify competition in our favor, allowing us to overcome previously insurmountable barriers."
会加剧竞争, 这对我们 有利, 它可以使我们克服以前 不可逾越的障碍。"
"Have you obtained approval from the proper institutions?" One board member asked.
"你得到了有关机构的 批准吗?" 一位董事问道。
"Yes. Product research has proven that this new instrument
"是的。 产品研究已经证明, 这种新仪器
will allow us to make computers smaller and thinner than ever before. We will integrate it into every device,
能使我们制造出比以前 更小、更薄的计算机, 我们要使它与每个设备 相结合,
and patents will make our company an integral part of every other computer manufacturer
而且专利会使我们 公司成为 所有其他计算机制造商 不可缺少的组成部分
that wants to stay in the game. We intend to crush our competition!"
只要他们想继续在行业 内发展。 我们打算打垮竞争对 手!"
"Well, your proposal is very intelligible and no one doubts your integrity. I have to ask, however,
"嗯, 你的建议很好理 解, 没有人怀疑你的诚 实。 但是, 我得问:
what assurances you can give that your instincts are correct?" Said another board member,
你用什么来保证你的 直觉是对的呢?" 另一位董事说。
whose insularity was still intact after years of internatio -nal success. "Everything is in the report.
这位董事虽然在国际上 取得多年的成功, 但他 的偏狭自然丝毫未改。 "一切都写在报告中。
We have tested numerous other insulation methods, many devices, and spent years working on this.
我们已经测试了许多其 他的绝缘方法、 许多设备, 做了多年的研究。
If the data is insufficient then we can give you a demonstration of the device.
假如资料不够充分, 我们可以向你演示一下 这个设备。
I am intent on showing you that this is the product to develop." Replied the manufacturer calmly.
我很想让你了解这个产 品值得开发。" 制造商平静地回答。
"Yes, please do a demonstration. You are an intelligent man
"好, 请做一下演示。 你是位有才智的人,
with an intense passion for the success of this company. But I'm an old insurance salesman
对本公司的成功有极 大的热情。 可我是一位上了年纪的 保险销售员,
and I just want to know what I'm getting into." Smiled the board member as the computer was wheeled into the room.
我只想知道我正准备进 入的工作是怎么回事。 计算机被推进屋时 那位董事微笑着说。