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经典900句突击雅思口语高分 常考话题1-41:江河湖海

编辑:aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 1.What kinds of sports are there on water?
  • 1.那里有什么水上运动?
  • You can go surfing or boating,play water polo,and you can also go canoeing or water skiing?
  • 您可以冲浪或划船,打水球,也可以泛舟或滑水。
  • 2.What's the importance of water for people?
  • 2.水对于人们来说有什么重要性?
  • Man can hardly live without water. Our body cells need it,and it makes our body function well.
  • 人们生活离不开水。我们身体的细胞需要水,水能使我们的身体功能运转正常。
  • 3.What do you think of the water problem in China?
  • 3.你认为在中国存在哪些水的问题?
  • Now many places in China lack water,while many people still waste water. Also,many water resources are contaminated?
  • 现在中国很多地区都缺水,但很多人仍然浪费水资源,很多水资源被污染了。
  • 4.What's the difference between water and oil?
  • 4.水和油有什么不同?
  • Oil can be burned,and water can't. Besides, oil is lighter than water. You can see oil floating on the surface of water?
  • 油具可燃性,水则不能。此外,油比水轻。您可以看到油浮在水面上。
  • 5.What's the relationship between modern technology and water?
  • 5.现代技术和水的关系是 什么?
  • Modern technology makes water more use-ful,but too many factories dump their waste water into the rivers or lakes. They get our natural water polluted?
  • 现代技术使水变得更有用,但是太多工厂将废水排入河流或湖泊,使水被污染。


Rivers, Lakes and Seas

1. What kinds of sports are there on water?
1. 那里有什么水上运动
You can go surfing or boating,play water polo,and you can also go canoeing or water skiing?
2. What's the importance of water for people?
2. 水对于人们来说有什么重要性
Man can hardly live without water. Our body cells need it,and it makes our body function well.
3. What do you think of the water problem in China?
3. 你认为在中国存在哪些水的问题
Now many places in China lack water,while many people still waste water. Also,many water resources are contaminated?
4. What's the difference between water and oil?
4. 水和油有什么不同
Oil can be burned,and water can't. Besides, oil is lighter than water. You can see oil floating on the surface of water?
5. What's the relationship between modern technology and water?
5. 现代技术和水的关系是什么
Modern technology makes water more use-ful,but too many factories dump their waste water into the rivers or lakes. They get our natural water polluted?




